PR, 长登一个月。刚在网上申请了MSP, 然后最后一页告知,要完成申请,必须去ICBC driver licensing office 申请 BC Services Card. 申请这个BC Services Card 网页上有这个居住要求,必须全满足:* must be a citizen of Canada or be lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence;* must make his or her home in B.C.; and* must be physically present in B.C. at least six months in a calendar year, or a shorter prescribed period.前2点没有问题。问问第三点究竟是什么意思。是说去ICBC driver licensing office的时候已经要在BC住满了6个月,还是说只要计划在下半年都在BC就可以了?谢谢!!