吃不饱的出来,吃饱的不出来,吃饱了撑的出来。 赏
是抢座位么?旁边的人都坐视不理的样子。视频下面有个中文链接:大媽地鐵搶小女孩座位 紐約婦怒飆:妳玩我女兒 強力推倒趕走
Andywolf 说:是抢座位么?旁边的人都坐视不理的样子。视频下面有个中文链接:大媽地鐵搶小女孩座位 紐約婦怒飆:妳玩我女兒 強力推倒趕走点击展开...这个记者把2018年的视频说成最近发生的事,所以他的解读是否可信。有人在2018年留言Michael Kensington Il y a 11 mois (modifié) Thats not the exact story... A man got up and gave HIS seat to the elderly Asian woman. The asian woman accepted the offer and sat down - So now the seat belongs to the asian woman. (The demon possessed monster's two kids were already sharing one seat before the asian woman sat down). The demon possessed monster became angry bc the man didnt offer HIS seat to one of her kids, claiming bc they are black. Then the black woman wanted to switch seats with the asian woman so she could sit next to her daughter all the while she is screaming, cursing, ranting racial explitives... When the asian woman told her to calm down and mind her language which is what civilized people do, the black woman instructs her kids to push the asian woman out of HER seat. The demon possessed forcefully pushed her to the floor and STOLE the seat away from the asian woman. What a disgusting person to do this to an elderly woman. In asian countries they respect the elderly. This black woman is mad, and her eyes tell all you need to know.
ermite808 说:这个记者把2018年的视频说成最近发生的事,所以他的解读是否可信。有人在2018年留言Michael Kensington Il y a 11 mois (modifié) Thats not the exact story... A man got up and gave HIS seat to the elderly Asian woman. The asian woman accepted the offer and sat down - So now the seat belongs to the asian woman. (The demon possessed monster's two kids were already sharing one seat before the asian woman sat down). The demon possessed monster became angry bc the man didnt offer HIS seat to one of her kids, claiming bc they are black. Then the black woman wanted to switch seats with the asian woman so she could sit next to her daughter all the while she is screaming, cursing, ranting racial explitives... When the asian woman told her to calm down and mind her language which is what civilized people do, the black woman instructs her kids to push the asian woman out of HER seat. The demon possessed forcefully pushed her to the floor and STOLE the seat away from the asian woman. What a disgusting person to do this to an elderly woman. In asian countries they respect the elderly. This black woman is mad, and her eyes tell all you need to know.点击展开...抱歉没注意日期。我贴的那个刚好是为揭露假新闻的,我却没看仔细。你这个合理。旁边的人很冷漠啊。
ermite808 说:这个记者把2018年的视频说成最近发生的事,所以他的解读是否可信。有人在2018年留言Michael Kensington Il y a 11 mois (modifié) Thats not the exact story... A man got up and gave HIS seat to the elderly Asian woman. The asian woman accepted the offer and sat down - So now the seat belongs to the asian woman. (The demon possessed monster's two kids were already sharing one seat before the asian woman sat down). The demon possessed monster became angry bc the man didnt offer HIS seat to one of her kids, claiming bc they are black. Then the black woman wanted to switch seats with the asian woman so she could sit next to her daughter all the while she is screaming, cursing, ranting racial explitives... When the asian woman told her to calm down and mind her language which is what civilized people do, the black woman instructs her kids to push the asian woman out of HER seat. The demon possessed forcefully pushed her to the floor and STOLE the seat away from the asian woman. What a disgusting person to do this to an elderly woman. In asian countries they respect the elderly. This black woman is mad, and her eyes tell all you need to know.点击展开...有很多国移不懂英文在加拿大混日子,所以我翻译一下,文章的意思大概就是事情是一个男人给一个亚裔老女人让座位,在此之前捏,两个黑孩子挤在车窗那个位置。对面是她们的黑妈,黑妈认为那座位应该让她那俩黑娃座,你一中国来的老废物难道有我俩黑娃金贵?去你妈的滚回中国去。全车人看热闹。黑妈说要么咱俩换换,你他妈敢不换!亚洲妇女发挥刘胡兰的精神以及孔子的儒雅,说你早上刷牙没,别喇嘛激动好不好!黑妈说你丫信不信我让我俩黑孩把你丫踹地上去。亚裔妈心想我入籍了我也是美国人,你咋还把我当中国人哩。黑妈怒火中烧,弹射起来飞起一佛山无影脚,老妇应声到底。亚洲弱鸡在非洲犀牛面前就是一滩泥,亚洲老妇无悬念败北。黑妇追上来一口浓痰,管你丫五分五毛的,我他妈啐你一脸狗屎!觉得不错呢你到我们国家得瑟得瑟地,今天老娘让你知道你的地位!
吃不饱的出来,吃饱的不出来,吃饱了撑的出来。 赏
6,919 $0.00 换句话说,就是之前的那个人坐那里没毛病,黑妇的两个小黑孩坐在哪里没声吭。换个中国人坐那里了,那地位就不一样了,总算是来一个大家都知道下等公民了,连打带骂,观众还暗笑。评论
吃不饱的出来,吃饱的不出来,吃饱了撑的出来。 赏
吃不饱的出来,吃饱的不出来,吃饱了撑的出来。 赏
7,204 $0.00 无论国内国外,碰到这样的人谁也没辙。除非比她更加野蛮,强力使她屈服。评论
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