这世界辽阔,我们会实现每一个梦。VR我猜测是Vancouver的首尾字母,但Y是什么意思?点击展开... youngster vs. realtor
性格决定命运,hope! goal ! dream回复: 温哥华国际机场YVR的Y是什么意思?All Canadian Airports start with "Y" for 3 - letter codes.
回复: 温哥华国际机场YVR的Y是什么意思?All Canadian Airports start with "Y" for 3 - letter codes.点击展开... Y= YARD
性格决定命运,hope! goal ! dream 赏

回复: 温哥华国际机场YVR的Y是什么意思?There are two types of airport codes: Four-letter ICAO codes used for flight operations/ATC, and three-letter IATA codes used for passenger handling.ICAO codes consist of a two-letter country prefix and a two-letter airport code. Some countries (those with lots of airports) have more than one prefix. The USA has 26 - KA to KZ. Canada has four, CU, CW, CY and CZ. The vast majority of Canadian airports use IATA codes starting in CY. (There are some that start in CZ. CU and CW are used for special purposes such as airport met offices.)For most of the world ICAO codes and IATA codes bear no resemblance to each other. LHR is EGLL, AMS is EHAM, CDG is LFPG.In the USA and Canada, however, IATA codes are based on ICAO codes.For US airports the IATA code is the ICAO code without the initial K. JFK is KJFK, LAX is KLAX.For Canadian airports the IATA code is the ICAO code without the initial C. Hence CYOW = YOW, CYYZ = YYZ.http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/canada/926013-why-do-all-canadian-airport-codes-start-y.html
回复: 温哥华国际机场YVR的Y是什么意思?There are two types of airport codes: Four-letter ICAO codes used for flight operations/ATC, and three-letter IATA codes used for passenger handling. ICAO codes consist of a two-letter country prefix and a two-letter airport code. Some countries (those with lots of airports) have more than one prefix. The USA has 26 - KA to KZ. Canada has four, CU, CW, CY and CZ. The vast majority of Canadian airports use IATA codes starting in CY. (There are some that start in CZ. CU and CW are used for special purposes such as airport met offices.) For most of the world ICAO codes and IATA codes bear no resemblance to each other. LHR is EGLL, AMS is EHAM, CDG is LFPG. In the USA and Canada, however, IATA codes are based on ICAO codes. For US airports the IATA code is the ICAO code without the initial K. JFK is KJFK, LAX is KLAX. For Canadian airports the IATA code is the ICAO code without the initial C. Hence CYOW = YOW, CYYZ = YYZ.点击展开... stop!
性格决定命运,hope! goal ! dreamAll Canadian Airports start with "Y" for 3 - letter codes.点击展开...ZBF (Bathurst, New-Brunswick)
回复: 温哥华国际机场YVR的Y是什么意思?ZBF (Bathurst, New-Brunswick)点击展开... 你妈好吗?
性格决定命运,hope! goal ! dream你妈好吗?点击展开...我妈说谢谢你的关心. 叫我提醒你别忘了按时吃药.
温哥华M 说:回复: 温哥华国际机场YVR的Y是什么意思?stop!点击展开...You're rude
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