加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息今天你戴罂粟花了吗?作为移民你会去参加游行


今天你戴罂粟花了吗?作为移民你会去参加游行纪念 Canada Remenbrance Day 吗?大家可以就这个话题讨论一下。。。只因为:1573444337774.png1573444241935.png1573448304423.png事情来源于冰球名嘴切利(Don Cherry)的“语出惊人”:他说在“国殇日”到来之前,他很少看到多伦多的移民佩戴罂粟花,来悼念历次战争中阵亡的加拿大士兵。1573443504761.png但来自阿尔伯塔的独立参议员西蒙斯(Paula Simons)反驳,实际上参加一战的阿尔伯塔年轻士兵很多人就是移民或者移民的后代,其中也有原住民。西蒙斯还写道:“我们不纪念在播种分裂或不信任战争中战死的人”,“我们应该纪念那些让我们团结一心,为捍卫加拿大价值而献身的人。”

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。赞反馈:风青扬, 小鼠波波, 月盈亏 和 48 其他人 61.45 2019-11-10#2 周雅 付费矿工 8,475$(1.53$赞力,#8) 19,926 $50.49 $8,475.17 1573444872480.pngRemembrance Day 2019: Where ceremonies are being held in B.C.Here's a list of some of the events happening in B.C.'s bigger municipalities (all times PT). Similar services will be held in smaller communities across the province. AbbotsfordA Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at Thunderbird Memorial Square. The ceremony will include a parade starting at 10:30 a.m. and a moment of silence at 11 a.m.ChilliwackChilliwack will host several ceremonies:At 10 a.m. at the cenotaph in downtown Chilliwack, by the Chilliwack Museum on Main Street.At 10 a.m. at the Vedder Crossing Cenotaph.At the Coqualeetza Longhouse at 10 a.m., in honour of Sto:lo Nation warriors. DeltaA ceremony will be held at North Delta Social Heart Plaza beginning at 10:40 a.m., followed by a reception.The Ladner Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion will host a Remembrance Day event at Memorial Park. A parade will begin at 10:15 a.m. from the legion the Memorial Park Cenotaph. A ceremony will be held at 10:45 a.m.KamloopsA ceremony and parade will begin at Riverside Park at 10:30 a.m. KelownaDowntown, a parade to the City Park Cenotaph will begin at 10:30 a.m., leading up to a ceremony around 10:45 to 11 a.m. After the ceremony, parade attendees will continue to march to Stuart Park. Another ceremony and parade will take place at Rutland Lions Park beginning at 10:30 a.m. LangleyA ceremony will be held at Douglas Park in Langley, set to start at 10:45 a.m. A parade will arrive at the event start time, followed by the ceremony at 10:55 a.m. Community members can order wreaths in person or over the phone which will be picked up by the city and delivered to the ceremony site.The Township of Langley will hold three ceremonies across the community.Aldergrove: A parade to the Aldergrove Legion will leave Old Yale Road at 10:45 a.m. PT. The procession will be followed by a service starting at 10:50 a.m. PT which will include a wreath laying and a flypast over the ceremony by the Fraser Blues. Fort Langley: A procession beginning at 10:25 a.m. will march through the Fort Langley Cemetery, past the graves of fallen soldiers, to the cenotaph. Following the procession, a service will be held which will include a flypast by the Fraser Blues at 11 a.m. Murrayville: A procession will depart from the south end of Murrayville Cemetery at 10:30 a.m. After the event, attendees can visit the Langley Golf and Banquet Centre or United Church for refreshments. Maple RidgeA Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at Memorial Peace Park beginning at 10:30 a.m. A parade will march through the downtown core to the Cenotaph. A ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. followed by flags being lowered at 11:30.MissionA parade will begin at 10:15 a.m. at Clark Theatre, followed by a ceremony at 10:40 a.m.NelsonA parade will begin at 10:30 a.m. from the Nelson Royal Canadian Legion, leading up to a ceremony at Nelson City Hall at 11 a.m.New WestminsterA parade will begin at 10:25 a.m., heading from Queens Avenue and Sixth Street to the Cenotaph on Royal Avenue. North VancouverA service will be held on the east side of Victoria Park at 11 a.m., followed by a procession. The North Vancouver Legion will host entertainment from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., and minors are invited to visit the cadet houses following the ceremony. Up to 6,000 community members are expected to attend.Pitt MeadowsA ceremony will be held at the Cenotaph in Spirit Square beginning at 10:45 a.m. A reception will commence afterwards at Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre. Community members who would like to include their wreath in the ceremony can drop it off at the event location from 9 to 10 a.m.Port CoquitlamThe Port Coquitlam Royal Canadian Legion will host a Remembrance Day ceremony at Veterans Park beginning at 11 a.m Port MoodyA parade and ceremony will be hosted at 10:30 a.m. at the Port Moody Arts Centre. The event will be followed by entertainment at the Port Moody Legion from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.Prince GeorgeA Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at the Prince George Conference and Civic Centre, beginning at 9 a.m.RichmondA parade will start at 10:20 a.m. leading up to a ceremony and wreath laying held at the cenotaph at Richmond City Hall. After the ceremony, community members can attend a reception at the City Hall Galleria.SurreySurrey will host several Remembrance Day events, including a number of processions taking place throughout the city. The main official ceremony, hosted by the City of Surrey and Cemetery Services, will be held at the Surrey Centre Cemetery starting at 10:45 a.m.VancouverThe city's main Remembrance Day Ceremony takes place at Victory Square Park beginning at 10 a.m., where the Vancouver Bach Youth Choir and Sarabande Choir will be performing.Community members are also invited to honour Chinese-Canadian military veterans and Chinese-Canadian pioneers at Chinatown's annual Remembrance Day Ceremony, starting at at 12:30 p.m.A ceremony at the University of B.C. begins at 10:45 a.m. at the War Memorial Gym, including short readings, remarks from special guests and musical performances by the UBC Opera Ensemble.VictoriaA wreath laying will be held at the City of Victoria Cenotaph beginning at 10:30 a.m., and a service will be held at Parliament Square in Victoria, beginning at 11 a.m. The service will include attendance by the St. John Ambulance Brigade, a wreath laying, and a special prayer offered by Rev. Andrew Gates. Event organizers are asking for community members' patience and understanding as space and seating will be limited this year due to construction in the area. West VancouverA ceremony will be held starting with a parade from the Legion to the West Vancouver Cenotaph, followed by an official service. Community members can attend a reception at the Legion following the ceremony, at 580 18th St.White RockA ceremony will be held at the Cenotaph at White Rock City Hall, beginning with a parade from Johnston Road at Roper Avenue at 10:30 a.m. A service will begin at 11 a.m., and community members are invited to visit the White Rock Royal Canadian Legion for entertainment afterwards.

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。赞反馈:小鼠波波, geomarb, lucymao 和 3 其他人 0.73 2019-11-10#3 樱花烂漫 11,107 $0.00 板凳。我没戴,但别的仪式无意中都参加了。




樱花烂漫 说:我没赶上炒房大潮,只好参加一些活动过过瘾了。话说,今天的音乐真好听,那个吹小号的音乐人已经练了20年,听起来真的很享受。点击展开...但是,Remembrance Day Parade 不是在明天的吗? :unsure:

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。但是,Remembrance Day Parade 不是在明天的吗? :unsure:点击展开...是另外一个为明天的Remembrance Day举行的活动,是正规而相同的仪式。不同的是,今天有真金白银的专业级的现场音乐。

樱花烂漫 说:是另外一个为明天的Remembrance Day举行的活动,是正规而相同的仪式。不同的是,今天有真金白银的专业级的现场音乐。点击展开...不知道情况,是在温哥华吗?

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。赞反馈:樱花烂漫 和 cloud123 0.07 2019-11-11#10 shw019 付费矿工 2,437$(0.44$赞力,#21) 17,480 $7.96 $2,437.47 我带花, 明天很冷, 但要去参加活动, old city hall, Toronto.

shw019 说:我带花, 明天很冷, 但要去参加活动, old city hall, Toronto.点击展开...不错,再加 手动点赞鼓励。。。 (y) (y)

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。赞反馈:cloud123 0.00 2019-11-11#12 jjsheng
付费矿工 265$(0.05$赞力,#64) 15,309 $2.60 $264.66 有捐钱卖花,但是不戴。

jjsheng 说:有捐钱卖花,但是不戴。点击展开...罂粟花不能说买卖, 捐款赠花。


jjsheng 说:有捐钱卖花,但是不戴。点击展开...俺也不问原因,不想挨板砖。。。:p

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。今天你戴罂粟花了吗?作为移民你会去参加游行纪念 Canada Remenbrance Day 吗?大家可以就这个话题讨论一下。。。只因为:浏览附件569869浏览附件569867浏览附件569885事情来源于冰球名嘴切利(Don Cherry)的“语出惊人”:他说在“国殇日”到来之前,他很少看到多伦多的移民佩戴罂粟花,来悼念历次战争中阵亡的加拿大士兵。浏览附件569864但来自阿尔伯塔的独立参议员西蒙斯(Paula Simons)反驳,实际上参加一战的阿尔伯塔年轻士兵很多人就是移民或者移民的后代,其中也有原住民。西蒙斯还写道:“我们不纪念在播种分裂或不信任战争中战死的人”,“我们应该纪念那些让我们团结一心,为捍卫加拿大价值而献身的人。”点击展开...想赞你的主贴,点进去赞值纹丝不动,原来没赞力了,手赞吧,哈哈。。。

思念是一种很玄的东西,如影随形......想赞你的主贴,点进去赞值纹丝不动,原来没赞力了,手赞吧,哈哈。。。点击展开...没关系,跟选举一样,有心就好了,手赞也算出力。。。 :D

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。赞反馈:樱花烂漫 和 cloud123 0.07 2019-11-11#19 勒杜鹃
…游 客…
付费矿工 1$(0.00$赞力,#93) 5,066 $5.01 $0.69 帮顶…

周雅 说:你还是好样的,俺知道相当比例的华裔不喜欢参加这些活动的,就像对选举没啥热情一样,还是炒房过瘾。。。点击展开...已移民的華人應研究一下猶太人被歧視和被屠殺的歷史。在第一次世界大戰前,猶太人掌控了國際金融界,受到各國統治階層的倚重,享有特權,他們的女兒成為權貴們的追求對象,但他們就是不願融入主流,成為一個與別不同的群體,最後成為種種政治鬥爭的磨心,反右的,以反猶太為號召,反左的也以反猶太為號召,反猶太甚至成為團結國家的第一步,馬克思,身為猶太人,也以反猶太人,作為反資本家的工具。

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