请问坛子上面有近期父母过来加拿大探亲入境成功的嘛?(指的是加国公民的父母)据说现在加国公民的直系亲属还可以被允许入境,想让父母过来,不确定是否可以入境。请问坛子上有近期入境的父母成功案例嘛?可否分享一下?如果有,入境移民官要求看任何亲属证明材料嘛? 谢谢有经验的人分享经验!
葫芦金刚 说:请问坛子上面有近期父母过来加拿大探亲入境成功的嘛?(指的是加国公民的父母)据说现在加国公民的直系亲属还可以被允许入境,想让父母过来,不确定是否可以入境。请问坛子上有近期入境的父母成功案例嘛?可否分享一下?如果有,入境移民官要求看任何亲属证明材料嘛? 谢谢有经验的人分享经验!点击展开...这是政府官网的解释:
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Who can travel to Canada – Citizens, permanent residents, foreign nationals and refugees - Canada.ca
Travel restrictions and exemptions: information on who can and can’t travel to Canada.Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and visitors to Canada: Uniting with immediate family members - Canada.ca
How to reunite with your immediate family member during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility and instructions评论
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活这是政府官网的解释:
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Who can travel to Canada – Citizens, permanent residents, foreign nationals and refugees - Canada.ca
Travel restrictions and exemptions: information on who can and can’t travel to Canada.Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and visitors to Canada: Uniting with immediate family members - Canada.ca
How to reunite with your immediate family member during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility and instructions ·新西兰新闻 【实时更新】飓风预计今晚登录澳洲 布里斯班街道已空无一人
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