加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Man shot at Scarborough plaza


From Toronto Star A 26-year-old man was shot four times outside a strip plaza in Scarborough yesterday afternoon, then hobbled out onto the street to flag down help from a passing car. "I heard two shots. About two minutes later, I saw a guy limping on one leg into the middle of the street," said a witness who was about 30 metres away from the man when the shooting happened about 12:30 p.m. at Glendower Circuit, near Birchmount Rd. and Finch Ave. E. in the city's northeast end "He fell down twice. He was lying in the middle of the road. Then he got up. He tried to flag a car." An unidentified woman in a black car drove the bleeding man to Scarborough General Hospital, police said. But he was later taken to Sunnybrook hospital on an emergency run when his injuries worsened. "It was pretty hairy at first. They didn't think he was going to make it," said Const. Kristine Bacharach of Toronto police. "He was (vital signs absent) at the hospital, but they've since revived him." The victim was in critical but stable condition late last night. He was expected to survive his injuries, police said. No suspects have been arrested and no suspect information has been released, police said. Immediately after the shooting, police cordoned off parts of the crime scene and interviewed numerous witnesses. Some witnesses reported seeing a light blue Ford Taurus speed off after the shooting and head northbound on Birchmount Rd. Cab driver Ali Atfaiz, who lives in the neighbourhood, said the city's most recent shooting didn't surprise him. "There's always trouble, police coming around ― for shootings, robberies, drug dealing in the area," he said as he walked by the crime scene. "I drive a cab at night ... I won't pick up people in the area. I'm scared to walk around here at night, too."

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