加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 安省给儿童就医又多掏出550万
缩短儿童外科手术等待时间.May 10, 2007 10:00 AM Canadian PressOntario will spend $5.5 million to shorten surgical wait times for children.The money will be used to provide more than 2,000 additional pediatric surgeries in 2007-08, and target seven specific areas such as appendectomies, cleft lip and palate repairs and eye-related surgeries.There will also be hundreds more dental surgeries, operations on bones and joints and more ear, nose and throat surgeries for children.The government says Ontario is the first province in Canada to specifically target surgical wait times for kids.For the first time, the province will also monitor, track and publish information on pediatric wait times.Premier Dalton McGuinty says the illness of a child is the toughest thing for any family to face
***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich.回复: 安省给儿童就医又多掏出550万都发到sick children hospital了吧?他们又可以涨工资了。
回复: 安省给儿童就医又多掏出550万都发到sick children hospital了吧?他们又可以涨工资了。点击展开...也有同胞受益就好.
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