加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - [zt]美拟计分制 抢加技术移民 加30年吸
美国政府正研究新移民政策,加拿大人力资源专家担心,假如美国开放移民政策,外国科技人才或会选择移民美国,更甚者更多加拿大人会移居美国,本国或将失去多年来吸纳移民的优势。 直至目前,美国的移民政策?重于家庭团聚方面,但美国现正考虑一个类似加拿大的新移民制度,以移民申请人的个人质素如教育和技术等评分。渥太华科技业的招聘专家说,他们担心可能出现的转变。 人才图谱(Talentmap)主席和创办人菲茨帕特里克(Sean Fitzpatrick)说,他特别担心这对加拿大,吸纳外国技术移民能力的影响。 他说:“移民可令本国经济强大,但我们将无法吸引他们,因为美国会把他们全部吸走。” 人力资源顾问公司里德埃迪森(Reid Eddison),专为渥太华地区的大型科技公司提供顾问服务。该公司主席和行政总裁马森(Michelle Masson)预测,这不是唯一的影响。她说:“会有更多的加拿大人前往美国。” 美国正研究改革,部分原因是该国高科技企业游说政府的结果,当中包括霍夫曼(Robert Hoffman),他代表甲骨文(Oracle)和微软(Microsoft)公司,在美国参议院作证。 卑诗省的西门菲沙大学(Simon Fraser University)经济学教授德沃雷茨(Don Devoretz),也曾在美国参议院作证,他说加拿大因从移民政策得益。他说:“我们过去30年都具备优势。” 但多伦多大学(University of Toronto)种族及移民研究学院(School of Ethnic and Immigration Studies)总监赖茨教授(Jeffrey Reitz)说,美国如改革移民政策,这些优势将不复存在。 他说,许多外国人仍然被美国的声誉吸引,美国的经济规模大10倍,缴税少且通常工资更高。 他说:“美国是大多数人第1选择的国土。”
回复: [zt]美拟计分制 抢加技术移民 加30年吸纳移民优势料不再不过美国的移民条件肯定会很高的吧?
在加拿大幸福的生活回复: [zt]美拟计分制 抢加技术移民 加30年吸纳移民优势料不再ztU.S. immigration change could suck tech talent from CanadaLast Updated: Thursday, May 31, 2007 | 12:38 PM ETCBC NewsCanada could lose a lot of its high-tech talent if the U.S. opens up its immigration system as it is debating doing, recruiting experts warn.Up until now, American immigration policy has focused mainly on reuniting families. 'The United States is still the big enchilada.' — Immigration Studies Prof. Jeffrey ReitzNow the U.S. is considering a new system, similar to Canada's, that would give potential immigrants points for qualities such as education and skills.Recruiting experts who work with the Ottawa area's technology industry say they are concerned about the potential changes.Sean Fitzpatrick, president and founder of Talentmap, said he is particularly worried about their effect on Canada's ability to attract skilled foreigners."We just won't be able to find the immigrants that are going to be very strong for our economy because the U.S. will be sucking them all up," he said.Michelle Masson, president and CEO of Reid Eddison, a human resources consulting company that advises large technology companies in the Ottawa area, predicted that wouldn't be the only effect."There will be more Canadians going into the U.S.," she said.Microsoft, Oracle lobbying for U.S. changesThe U.S. is looking into the changes partly because of lobbying from members of its own high-tech industry, including Robert Hoffman, who spoke before the U.S. Senate on behalf of Oracle and Microsoft.He said the current system, in which foreigners are hired mainly on temporary visas, makes it difficult for U.S. companies to retain talent."That's the frustration. We have employees at Oracle and Microsoft who believe that the immigration system in this country treats them like second-class citizens," he said. "We couldn't agree with them more."Don Devoretz, a professor of economics at B.C.'s Simon Fraser University who has testified before the U.S. Senate about the proposed changes, said that system has benefited Canada."We've had an advantage over the last 30 years," he said.U.S. 'first choice' for immigrants: expertProf. Jeffrey Reitz, director of the University of Toronto's School of Ethnic and Immigration Studies, said the possible U.S. changes could erase that.He added that many foreigners are still drawn by the reputation of the U.S., whose economy is more than 10 times bigger, with lower taxes and often higher salaries."The United States is still the big enchilada. They're the land of first choice for most," he said.But until now the only way for foreigners to get into the U.S. was to have a relative or job offer waiting for them there, he added."Now they're going to have the option of simply throwing their name in a hopper and try to be assessed on the basis of points, and I think a lot of people are going to do that."
回复: [zt]美拟计分制 抢加技术移民 加30年吸纳移民优势料不再ZT 依白宮31日公布的規定,計點制分成僱用、教育、英語公民能力、及在美親屬四大計點標準。有雇主的移民申請人,最高可獲47點;申請人的教育程度最高可獲28點:申請人之英文能力最高可獲15點。申請人在美國有親屬的,最高只可獲10點。總分100點。點數越多,排名越前,移民的機率越高。在雇主相關計點上:獲僱在專業領域工作可得20點,包括醫事、健康衛生、科學、教育、生物科技及商務專業。依勞工部認定未來10年高需求的30種職業工作者,可得16點,包括侍者、服務生、家庭護理、電腦軟體工程師、清潔工及電腦系統分析師。獲僱在科學、科技、工程及數學(簡稱STEM)領域,工作至少一年以上的申請人,可獲8點。如果雇主願支付一半的綠卡申請費,同時出具文件證明願意提供工作,可獲6點。申請者在25歲到39歲間,可獲3點。若已在美國公司工作,每年有2點,最高不超過10點。在教育計點上:醫師學位(MD)、企管碩士(MBA)及其他研究所學位,可獲20點。大學畢業者,可獲16點。二年制專科學位(Associate)畢業,可獲10點。二年制專科學位,或在STEM相關的稍高學位,可獲8點。完成聯邦勞工部學科鑑定,獲8點。高中畢業或同等學歷,獲6點。完成Perkins職訓檢定,獲5點。在英語及公民常識計點上:英語為母語者或是托福75分以上,有15點。托福成績在60到74分者,獲10點。通過移民局(USCIS)入籍測試者,獲6點。在親屬關係計點上,申請者是美國公民之的成年子女,獲8點。綠卡的成年子女,獲6點。綠卡者的兄弟姐妹,獲4點。2005年5月1日以後,不具以上親屬關係的申請者,只有2點。這個和加拿大的移民計分相像嗎﹖
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God.Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank GOD. 回复: [zt]美拟计分制 抢加技术移民 加30年吸纳移民优势料不再但是加拿大吸引了那么多移民又有多少人真正发挥了他们的优势呢?
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