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今天路过Warden.老远就看见直升机在空中盘旋.在Lawrence很远的地方就不让过了,一辆警车拦住了路中间 绕道而走,直到VP才能向南....路过Lawrence路上时,看见有N多警车在路上,不知道干什么... 有关知情人士进来透露点消息吧 是不是发现外星人了???

一些帖子希望对大家有帮助,有1元20张照片,什么是Mail-in-Rebate,我的MIR经历,我的Subsidy经历等等。这是个简易链接,请点击这个:URL我黑,故我回复: 多伦多出大事了...什么时候?怎么我没发现,好像今天有路过那一带阿。

http://www.doic.com回复: 多伦多出大事了...出车祸了吧?听广播,今天一大早从401就开始。。。

回复: 多伦多出大事了...今天早上401东向西在400附近严重车祸,害得我迟到7分钟,一问才知道,今天单位无数人迟到......

回复: 多伦多出大事了...看题目吓我一跳,我以为今天我去多伦多访问的事这么快就被大家发现了那?松一口气。点击展开...



回复: 多伦多出大事了...发现007越来越调皮了

回复: 多伦多出大事了...啊,刚刚雨前在院子里乘凉看到啦一架直升飞机飞过的,飞的很低,声音很大呢LG还说是不是巡逻啊,说英国上空经常有直升机巡逻的,呵呵这边还真是第一次

回复: 多伦多出大事了...这边也很多,不过好像主要是新闻或者路况调度的。。。

回复: 多伦多出大事了...这边也很多,不过好像主要是新闻或者路况调度的。。。点击展开... 那也不需要堵路啊...

一些帖子希望对大家有帮助,有1元20张照片,什么是Mail-in-Rebate,我的MIR经历,我的Subsidy经历等等。这是个简易链接,请点击这个:URL我黑,故我那也不需要堵路啊...点击展开...你碰到的是这个。。。俺听到的不知道是啥了。。。Tractor-trailer slams into bus shelter, kills one var byString = ""; var sourceString = "toronto.ctv.ca"; if ((sourceString != "") && (byString != "")) { document.write(byString + ", "); } else { document.write(byString); } toronto.ctv.ca A tractor-trailer sped through a bustling intersection and slammed into a Scarborough bus shelter, killing one person on Wednesday afternoon. The accident took place at around 4 p.m. at Warden and Lawrence Avenues in the northeast end of Toronto. Witnesses at the scene say the truck barreled through the intersection and collided with multiple vehicles before smashing into a bus shelter. The out-of-control vehicle came to a halt after it crashed through the wall of a Play It Again Sports store. The woman who was killed was reportedly using a pay phone next to the bus shelter. She was declared dead at the scene. According to unconfirmed reports, the driver of the truck was cut off by another vehicle. One witness at the scene said the dramatic crash unfolded in an instant. "We were listening to music and talking and all of a sudden I hear a bang and then saw a van hit the pole," the witness told CTV News. Seven people, including the truck driver and three children, were rushed to hospital. One woman is reportedly in critical condition at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. The driver of the tractor-trailer suffered head and neck injuries. The tractor-trailer crash caused another three-vehicle accident just south on Warden Avenue at Wayne Avenue. One man was unconscious as he was pulled from his vehicle and was being treated at the scene. Police are diverting traffic away from the Lawrence and Warden intersection. Traffic in the area is expected to be backed up through the evening rush hour.

回复: 多伦多出大事了...今天早上401东向西在400附近严重车祸,害得我迟到7分钟,一问才知道,今天单位无数人迟到......点击展开...早上的是这个。。。Hwy. 401 lanes opened after crash, driver charged var byString = ""; var sourceString = "toronto.ctv.ca"; if ((sourceString != "") && (byString != "")) { document.write(byString + ", "); } else { document.write(byString); } toronto.ctv.ca All westbound lanes of Highway 401 at Keele Street have been reopened after a tractor-trailer rolled over and burst into flames on Wednesday morning. The truck, carrying a load of liquid sugar, was travelling "way too fast" in the transfer lanes from the express to collectors, said OPP Sgt. Cam Woolley. All westbound lanes of Highway 401 were closed so cleanup crews could carry away debris and drain the contents of the truck. Police say the 38-year-old Brantford driver escaped unharmed. He has been charged with careless driving. "The truck overturned, slid about 70 metres on its right side and burst into flames," Woolley told CTV News from the scene. The accident, which occurred at about 5:30 a.m., triggered police to shut down the highway out of fears there might be an explosion. After a quick assessment of the situation, police opened the express lanes, but two out of the three collector lanes were not opened until about 7 a.m. The closures caused a significant backup. "People are actually slowing right down and hanging out of their cars trying to get a cell-phone picture. It's dangerous and unlawful," Woolley said. Several people were charged with careless driving after they were caught taking pictures while operating their vehicles or reversing to get a better look at the crash. The rollover occurred along a stretch of highway the OPP has named as one of the GTA's accident hotspots. The 3.5-kilometre section of Highway 401 westbound from Keele to Highway 400 accounted for 7 per cent of the injury accidents dealt with by the OPP last year,

回复: 多伦多出大事了...今天最大的事是这个。。。Brazil plane crash may have political ramificationsUpdated Wed. Jul. 18 2007 6:46 PM ETCTV.ca News StaffCritics are condemning the government of Brazil's President Luis Inacio da Silva for failing to invest in safety measures at airports after the nation's deadliest jetliner crash.None of the 186 people on board survived after the Airbus 320 jet went down at Brazil's Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo on a short, rain-slicked runway.Three TAM workers on the ground also died and another 11 were hospitalized.Critics said Silva's government should have fixed Brazil's air traffic problems after 154 people were killed in the September collision of a Gol Airlines Boeing 737 with a small jet over the Amazon rainforest."It's been 10 months since the last worst air accident in Brazilian history and now we've had an accident worse than that," David Fleischer, a political scientist at the University of Brasilia, told The Associated Press. "If you look at what's happened since September, the answer is nothing."Another political commentator, Lucia Hippolito, called it a "tragedy foretold.""The government has done nothing because of administrative inefficiency and simple incompetence," Hippolito said.Observers say Silva has been unable to take authority of the civil aviation system from the military, which oversees Brazil's air traffic controllers.Top positions at the national aviation agency have been filled by political appointees with little or no experience.But Defense Minister Waldir Pires warned critics not to get carried away with accusations."It's a moment for caution, and until the results of the investigation are known, it's better to maintain sobriety and avoid quick judgments," Pires said.The crash may have political ramifications as one of the dead included Rep. Julio Redecker, 51, a leader of the opposition Brazilian Social Democracy Party and vocal critic of Silva's handling of the aviation crisis."President Lula needs to act and not speak. Or his term will be marked by the suffering and pain of so many Brazilians that could be still be alive," read a statement from Redecker's party.Short runwayInternational air safety experts have long warned of the danger of just such an accident on the short runway at Sao Paulo's airport, especially in heavy rain. Only the day before, two other planes skidded off the runway's end.The runway was recently resurfaced but not grooved, which would have provided the aircraft with better breaking ability in the rainy conditions. There were plans to regroove the surface by the end of this month."Pilots have been complaining for a number of years that the runway is short," aviation expert Tom Hinton told CTV Newsnet Wednesday."The investigation is going to focus on how well the breaking mechanisms in the aircraft were working... and it's going to focus on the length of the runway," Hinton said.Landing on the 6,362-foot-long runway at Sao Paulo's Congonhas airport is so challenging that pilots liken it to an aircraft carrier - if they don't touch down precisely within the tarmac's first 1,000 feet, they're warned to pull up and circle around again.In February, a federal court banned takeoffs and landings by large jets at the airport, citing safety concerns. That decision was later overruled by an appeals court, partly because of the economic impact of such a ban.While the airport is surrounded by development and there is no room for the runway extensions recommended by air safety groups, experts have said the next best thing would be braking systems of soft cement beyond the runway.These would allow the wheels to sink in and slow the jets to a safe stop.The TAM airlines plane was en route from Porto Alegre, in the south of the country, when it slid off the runway, crossed a road during rush-hour traffic and crashed into a gas station, bursting into flames close to a nearby warehouse."Witnesses are telling extraordinary stories, which sadly recall the scenes at Sept. 11. There are people talking about victims who were in the buildings diving from third floor windows to try and escape the fire," said Tom Phillips, a reporter from the U.K.'s Guardian newspaper.Authorities reported that the pilot was unable to land and tried to take off again.Video footage of the landing shows TAM Flight 3054 from Porto Alegre coming in faster than other planes, said Sen. Deonstenes Torres, chief of a Senate commission investigating problems with Brazilian civil aviation."On parts of the runway that most planes took 11 seconds to traverse, this plane took three," Torres said.But TAM Linhas Aereas SA chief executive Marco Antonio Bologna said it was too early to tell what went wrong."We have to wait for the results of the investigations to know the cause," he said. "It would be premature to make any assumptions about the runway."

回复: 多伦多出大事了...是不是又有恐怖袭击啊!

风雨兼程,我的移民之路http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=18332http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=48294http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=237481 赞反馈:alex_lz2005 2007-07-18#17 游
回复: 多伦多出大事了...今天下午,我去接娃娃,平时座的21路挤都挤不上去,隐隐约约听到人家说McCowan上出车祸了。人都挤到Brimley线来了。后来在Brimley/Huntingwood那里等车回town centre的时候,看见三个方向三辆fire engine火急火燎的往McCowan那个方向开。到了Town Centre等车回家的时候接到Sam电话,说McCowan严重堵车,从Town Centre到家居然30分钟只走了一半路程(平日都是5分钟就到)。我就跟娃娃从MALL里面穿过来,走回家了,确实看到McCowan由南向北方向塞的水泄不通。到底出什么事情了?

回复: 多伦多出大事了...我也想知道,象我这不出门的,啥新闻也不知道.有知道的言语一声.

回复: 多伦多出大事了...刚刚俺们楼的火警一直响不停,来了三辆消防车,看火警一直不停,还通报火警可能发生在8、11、12楼,只好下楼,结果下楼了,又说everything is ok!晕倒!

http://www.doic.com回复: 多伦多出大事了...好像是有一辆大货车翻了。

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