加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息paid students survey有没有听过


具体收到的邮件内容是:Dear Student,Please, review the following financial case!Every day big corporations write large checks to people who stay at home and share their opinion.These corporations from every business sector are spending huge amounts of money gathering opinions from people like you so that they can zero-in on products and services that consumers will want. Incredible as it may seem, most people are totally unaware that big corporations will gladly pay you to fill out simple surveys on the internet.They do a lot of testing before they launch a product on the market. They really have to because if it bombs, it costs them millions of dollars.That's where you come in. These companies need your knowledge, opinion and expertise to prevent them from shooting themselves in the foot again. They will gladly pay for your time in order to save themselves from a potential marketing disaster.Companies will pay you $5 to $75 per hour just to fill out simple online surveys from the comfort of your own home.Get paid $30 to $220 per hour for participating in focus group panels for 30 to 60 minutes.Have new products sent to you before they are released on the market.Get paid to preview movie trailers $4to $75 per hour! If you have the willingness to participate in this new and tempting program and pay the university fees all by yourself, please reply to my e-mail. Best Regards,Martin CooperCustomer Services Manager

回复: paid students survey有没有听过回复了邮件后,又收到了回复Dear Friend,Thank you very much for your interest. Companies will pay you $5 to $150 just to fill out simple online surveys from the comfort of your own home. Share your opinion, and get paid, without changing your life at all. You will find everything on our website: http://www.paidstudentsurveys.com/ Please, note that there is sign-up fee. The fee you pay is to become a full member of our company. Best Regards,Martin Cooperhttp://www.paidstudentsurveys.com/主要是注册费要30块这样,不知道有没有这好事.

回复: paid students survey有没有听过太像trick了

回复: paid students survey有没有听过they just want to earn your sign-up fee.

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