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发了一封E-MIAL.老是被退回,邮件显示550 5.7.7 this mail is blocked by kbas system,blockid=192.168.41.> 238.15835.1201895864 这是怎么回事?kbas system是什么系统?
租房攻略报税问答班芙班芙 赏 反馈:留老根 2008-02-01#2 1,664 $0.00 回复: 请教技术达人邮箱地址有没有弄错啊?
回复: 请教技术达人你换个邮箱发试试,被当作垃圾邮件处理了。
回复: 请教技术达人换个油箱发,有的公司邮箱Block HOTMAIL或YAHOO邮箱发的邮件
赏 你换个邮箱发试试,被当作垃圾邮件处理了。点击展开...对的,自己找到答案,确实被当成垃圾邮件了 The KBAS system developed by Shenzhen-based Hanqi Technology is reportedly a better anti-spam software solution than many hardware-based systems. The system is suitable for various operation systems and hardware environment, and it is reliable and efficient. In particular, it makes a great breakthrough in filtering Chinese-language spam. One of the main reasons for Tom.com to choose KBAS is reportedly because of its powerful filtering function. When KBAS is installed separately in a dozen outbound UNIX servers, the email sent out will be first filtered by KBAS and only non-spam emails will ultimately be sent out. Statistics show that the daily emails sent before and after KBAS is installed is more than 50 million and several million, respectively. This means that KBAS will filter more than 40 million spam each day on high performace systems like those used by Tom.com.
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