加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如果天使会唱歌


http://www.no video.com/watch?v=Dn51LxzSHf0 0《thank you》专集中的主打歌an anglehttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=C_D620Sk8Rc&feature=related 翻唱QUEEN的歌曲 from《 thank you 》专集love of my lifehttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=_j6IBdHW_rY&feature=related 首张专集的主打歌tell me whyhttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=j2tkpFHeUaU David`s Songhttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=jyKWG9Er69k 07年新专集中的主打歌Ego Youhttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=2_lubPosi-o 07年新专集中的同名歌曲you and mehttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=VlCgM8eo7uY Love Can Build A Bridge http://www.no video.com/watch?v=tisH4LYVKKU&feature=related 10左右的小D唱歌的功力相当牛Carrickfergushttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=X7gbfgY8RX0 经典老歌 听听declan翻唱的如何More Than I Can Say

赞反馈:小马哥 和 (已删除的会员) 2008-02-28#2 游
回复: 如果天使会唱歌他跟你长得挺像的。:D

回复: 如果天使会唱歌我比他好看点 HOHO

回复: 如果天使会唱歌喜欢如果天使会唱歌,有MP3吗?

回复: 如果天使会唱歌怎么感觉就是他呢,几岁了?

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: 如果天使会唱歌东子绝对是个小帅哥,好像至今还没有女友,恩。

靠实力指导学生 用真诚对待学生 好成绩回报学生 多伦多驾驶教练马延洲:647-886-4801回复: 如果天使会唱歌很喜欢他的声音,象天使一样纯净!他是个跟歌手外祖父长大的孩子,很喜欢他的<Tell Me Why>,每次听起来都有种心痛的感觉.

FN: 2002-02-28ME: 2002-10-19DM+MER: 2003-01-31VISA: 2003-03-18回复: 如果天使会唱歌小东子这么帅阿,呵呵。


回复: 如果天使会唱歌听着这有点触电的感觉!有mp3下载么?给我家女儿听听,哈哈!

http://www.doic.com回复: 如果天使会唱歌另外问一句,这个小家伙变声了没有?


回复: 如果天使会唱歌你都当妈妈啦,还触啥电,让我们小星星触下电还差不多。:D 我感冒好啦!!什么时候让准干妈见见准干闺女?点击展开...等着你啥时候有空接见俺们啊~

http://www.doic.com回复: 如果天使会唱歌更喜欢他9岁,就是TELL ME WHY时的声音。

回复: 如果天使会唱歌好听!

人生就像一次旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的锾景,以及看锾景的心情.回复: 如果天使会唱歌既然大家都说好听,那我就不听了,嗬嗬~

[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]回复: 如果天使会唱歌简介: Declan Galbraith是居住在英国肯特郡的爱尔兰男孩。 在许多方面他是一个正常的 10 岁的男孩。 他喜欢电脑游戏,游泳和足球。 他和他的父母和六岁姊妹居住。 他的堂兄弟姊妹Joe是他最好的朋友。 但是 Declan 不只是一个普通的10岁男孩。 Declan Galbraith小的时候,是和他的祖父班度过。 班是音乐家。 他和爱尔兰的民谣乐团演奏传统的爱尔兰音乐。 他们到处在酒吧和俱乐部等地方演唱。Declan 与他的祖父乐团搭配并学习演唱。在他的祖父死之后,他继承了祖父的演唱事业。 如今,Declan Galbraith 的歌声已经红便英伦,已是英国最畅销的童声歌手之一。他的歌声清彻迷人,高音清亮,极富感染力。如果天使会唱歌,那个天使一定是——Declan Galbraith。 Declan Galbraith - An AngelI wish I had your pair of wingshad them last night in my dreamsI was chasing butterfliestill the sunrise broke my eyesTonight the sky has glued my eyescause what they see's an angel hiveI've got to touch that magic skyand greet the angels in their hiveSometimes I wish I were an angelSometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelSometimes I wish I were youAll the sweet honey from abovepour it all over me sweet loveAnd while you're flying around my headyour honey kisses keep me fedI wish I had your pair of wingsjust like last night in my dreamsI was lost in paradisewish I'd never opened my eyesSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youBut there's danger in the airtryin'so hard to be unfairDanger's in the airtryin' so hard to give us a scarebut we're not afraidSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youWish I were you , Oh I wish I were youDeclan Galbraith - Love Of My LifeLove of my life, you hurt me,You broken my heart, and now you leave me.Love of my life can't you see,Bring it back bring it back,Don't take it away from me,Because you don't know what it means to me.Love of my life don't leave me,You've taken my heart now desert me,Love of my life can't you see,Bring it back bring it back,Don't take it away from me,Because you don't know what it means to me.You will remember when this is blown over,And everythings all by the way,When I grow older,I will be there at your side,To remind you how I still love youI still love you.Back, hurry back,Please bring it back home to meBecause you don't know what it means to me.Love of my life,Love of my lifeDeclan Galbraith-Tell me whyIn my dream,children singA song of love for every boy and girlThe sky is blue and fields are greenAnd laughter is the language of the worldThen I wake and all I seeIs a world full of people in need(Chorus)Tell me why(why)Does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why)Is there something I have missed?Tell me why (why)'Cos I don't understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don't give a helping handTell me why?Everyday I ask myselfWhat will I have to do to be a man?Do I have to stand and fightTo prove to everybody who I am?Is that what my life is forTo waste in a world full of war?(chorus)Tell me why(why)Does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why)Is there something I have missed?Tell me why (why)'Cos I don't understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don't give a helping handTell me why?(children)tell me why?(Declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(Declan)tell me why?(together) just tell me why, why, why?Tell me why(why)Does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why)Is there something I have missed?Tell me why (why)'Cos I don't understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don't give a helping hand(chorus chant)Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(why,why do we say we care)Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?(why,why if we're all the same)Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)Tell me why (why,why does it never end)Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?Why,why,(do we close our eyes)Why,why,(do the greedy life)Why,why,(do we fight for land)Can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand?Why,why

回复: 如果天使会唱歌tell my why ?我的最爱。谢谢小东子。

回复: 如果天使会唱歌湖水一样的眼神,今儿个晚上就听这个了。嘿嘿。

回复: 如果天使会唱歌tell me why? 此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻?一句话,超经典。

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