加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息看看你属于哪个?Occupational Descriptions...where you


Occupational Descriptions...where you fit on this list?An accountant is someone who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. An auditor is someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded. A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain. (Mark Twain) A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you the time. A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip. An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. A statistician is someone who is good with numbers but lacks thepersonality to be an accountant. A programmer is someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand. A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there. (Charles R. Darwin) A topologist is a man who doesn't know the difference between a coffee cup and a doughnut. A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000 word document and calls it a "brief." (Franz Kafka) A psychologist is a man who watches everyone else when a beautiful girl enters the room. A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep.

回复: 看看你属于哪个?俺啥都沾不上边~

[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]俺啥都沾不上边~点击展开...ME,2....

回复: 看看你属于哪个?me 3

回复: 看看你属于哪个?me 3点击展开...An auditor is someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded.

[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]An accountant is someone who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. An auditor is someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded.点击展开...

回复: 看看你属于哪个?点击展开...有人说Me 4吗?A banker~:D

[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]回复: 看看你属于哪个?Occupational Descriptions...where you fit on this list?那么多的PROGRAMMER去哪里了?A programmer is someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand.

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