加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 想像是美好的现实是残酷的
回复: 想像是美好的现实是残酷的The way I see it, when you start to be proud of whatever you are doing for a living rather than to be ashamed of, you than get the right path to pull yourself from nothing and finally savor the fruit of success. it's ok if you say easier said than done. Try to stay positive, man.
·中文新闻 从送货司机到首席执行官:Don Meij 在达美乐结束 40 多年的职业生
·中文新闻 丽贝卡·瓦尔迪在社交媒体上发表大胆声明,在科琳·鲁尼签署《