唉,不好意思,俺实在是太outdated了,以前一直以为就是邮件地址列成一个表呢?现在才知道个大概齐,原来还是有功能的啊(我个人觉得,就像是个自动抄送到其他地址的感觉) 但还是有一点小问题,想问问各位大侠们1 是不是有的mail list允许所有成员发邮件,有的只能是管理者才能发?2 在mail list里是不是随便给一个人发,大家就都能收到?是不是自己也能收到?3 如果初次加入某个mail list,谁的地址都不知道,是不是一般都会有一个公共地址让你用来给大家发信?4 这个mail list和那啥RRS都有啥区别(感觉RRS就是成员不能随便发消息的mailist)5 咱家园不是原来也有那个RRS,现在怎么找不到了? 问题太多,因为实在太菜,请您挑着给答几个吧~谢谢啦
回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?光看不发言可得不到俺滴分分啊~
赏 5 咱家园不是原来也有那个RRS,现在怎么找不到了?点击展开...还在
回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?so good, xiaoxiongbenben why not to answer my question when you have time
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!so good, xiaoxiongbenben why not to answer my question when you have time点击展开...啥问题啊,满足一下俺的curiosity吧
赏 so good, xiaoxiongbenben why not to answer my question when you have time点击展开... You know, I somehow have kind of priority. Firstly I have to get job done and CanadaMeet running, because Money Really Talk! Then I jump to my favorites stuff: finance and housing. At last, look around to kill my remaining time. Normally I only answer the question that in one second or I think it may help CanadaMeet.com, So what's your question , is that gmail problem? My little one story
回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?yes just thatone i have trojon in my computer,
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?now i found that seems my antivirous has difficulty to deal with virous named "Trojan"and "antispywareExpert".which were cleaned, but works again.http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=184935
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?and some member wrote letter tell our office manager that there are virus "Trojan" when they visite our website, there the antivirous software are expired in the whole office, i dont know if other people s computer were infected or notbut only my cumputer can not use google, gmail, msn dictionary so i am the person who spread virus in our office, i am so afried!it is me?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了!回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?是木马吗?我以前中过啊,发过一个帖子,007给了我一个很好使的软件啊我给你找一下啊
回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=136302这个,18楼
赏 and some member wrote letter tell our office manager that there are virus "Trojan" when they visite our website, there the antivirous software are expired in the whole office, i dont know if other people s computer were infected or not but only my cumputer can not use google, gmail, msn dictionary so i am the person who spread virus in our office, i am so afried!it is me?点击展开...It's not you , when it come to virus or trojan, it is always IT guy problem. Is the computer in your office? The IT guy in your company should help you out.
回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?光看不发言,等纷纷
回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?哈哈,这个楼上的家伙俺惦记上你家的生菜,你惦上俺的分分啦
回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?俺不太会用mail list,俺甚至还不知道怎么样给俺的贴子添加个签名档,,,汗啊!
回复: 请问,知道什么是mail list吗?哇,楼上的,第一次发言就在俺的帖子里,俺深感荣幸啊
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