加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息二手买卖 - 搬家大甩卖!!所有东东一个不留!
搬家大甩卖,所有的东西一个不留。很多家具,电器,和宝宝用品。1. One set in master room: Queen size bed with mattress, two night table and chest $320.002. One set in another room: Single bed with mattress and desk $110.003. Sofa and tea table: $90.004.Baby crib and mattress: $70.00 (with free bed sheets)5.Tv and Yamaha DVD family staion with 6 amplifiers $250 (with free video player)太多的东东,无法一一列出,所有的照片在以下的连接: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30323495@N05/如果你买得比较多,可以送货回你家,但须在你上门看货后,如果太远,适量收点油费,大家也知道现在油价太高。请电647-988-8518。地点mississauga, QEW & Erin Mills
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