加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 安省的OCCS到底要不要申请?
回复: 安省的OCCS到底要不要申请?刚有工作,今年4月报税的时候还没有INCOME,是不是要打电话要申请表,还是申请表要到明年报了税以后才会自动寄来?点击展开... 你需要先报税,具体说明在这里: You must apply each year to receive the supplement. Here's how it works:First, you must file your annual personal income tax return.If your family qualifies, the Ministry of Revenue will send you an application. Most families get these forms in April.You must review and complete the application form and send it back to the ministry.http://www.rev.gov.on.ca/english/credit/occs/
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