加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有谁在UTM(mississauga分校)做过国内学历等同认证
据说那里可以做国内学历的等同认证,好像叫做tranfer credit assessment。不是上学用的,只是想找工作是加上一句。 有谁做过,能介绍一下如何办理?
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。回复: 有谁在UTM(mississauga分校)做过国内学历等同认证需要先有 持安省翻译执照的人将文凭 翻译成英语, 然后去那里办理就是了,有慢件,也有快件.如果只是想想找工作是加上一句, 直接告诉你, 那个没有用, 没有意义.
回复: 有谁在UTM(mississauga分校)做过国内学历等同认证是不是这个?http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/ces/ces_services_provided.htmThe Comparative Education Service of the University of Toronto provides document-by-document equivalency of foreign academic credentials to Canadian education at all levels.PLEASE NOTE: All applications must be signed by the person whose name appears on the academic documents. Requests for evaluation by third parties will not be processed without written approval of the person whose name appears on the documents.We evaluate: * Post secondary degrees and diplomas from every country in the world, except Canada * High school education * Incomplete academic programsWe do NOT evaluate: * Apprenticeships * Medical specializations * Credentials awarded by Canadian institutions * Professional qualifications such as real estate licenses, mechanics licenses, license to practice in a medical profession or as a lawyer, etc.
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