婴儿在托儿所死了,怎么办? Local Access打往中国电话卡1.3¢/分种
来源: fryg 于 08-11-07 05:05:21 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]
我的女儿11个月大,前天突然在托儿所死了.具体情况是这样:My daughter Yi Yi Elizabeth died yesterday around noon time when she was sleeping in the car seat in the babysitter's house. When i went to pick her, the babysitter said she is sleeping for two hours, why you just leave your milk then come back later. I said it is OK, i will pick her she sleep in the carseat anyway. Because Yiyi is always very alart, she put her in the corner room upstair. When I lift the car seat. looks like she is still sleeping with her mouth opened. and when I put the carseat in my car. She still the same. I touch her face, is cold. Then I check her, no breath, Then I took her into the room. call 911. I tried some ER skill, no working, and ambulance came. They put me aside and do the cpr. I was told that she died anyhow 1 hours before I came. 请问我们需要寻求什么样的法律帮助. 万分感谢!
回复: ZT:大家小BB送幼儿园的注意了啊孩子是怎么死的呀?
回复: ZT:大家小BB送幼儿园的注意了啊天啊,还有这种事,幼儿园也太不负责任了,一定要追究到底
回复: ZT:大家小BB送幼儿园的注意了啊我在文学城上看见一个妈妈自己写的, 觉得恐怖,赶快转给大家看, 提高警惕
回复: ZT:大家小BB送幼儿园的注意了啊这个不是正规的幼儿园,是个家庭的。孩子死亡的原因是SID,可能与长时间在CARSEAT里睡觉有关系。说实话,她的宝宝这么大了,就不应该在CARSEAT里面睡,窝着身子多难受呀。
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回复: ZT:大家小BB送幼儿园的注意了啊宝宝太小就不要送幼儿园,至少要3岁以后。国内的幼儿园比这里的不知强多少倍,小宝贝送幼儿园太早了都不行,更不要说这里了。
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