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今天收到一封Economical Insurance发来的EMAIL,招IT相关的职位。不知道从哪得到的我的EMAIL,可能是workopolis吧。我是做JAVA开发的,准备投投看。但我现在还在国内,准备明年春天的时候登录,所以也不报什么希望。把消息放在家园里,算是过去前做些贡献。同时也希望认识一些IT方面的朋友,可以相互交流经验。 Economical Insurance has exciting full time opportunities in their ITS department. Are you an IT expert? Be part of the talented team creating the future of underwriting. It’s your chance to really shine. Help us develop Energieä, a powerful new policy underwriting and processing system unlike anything that has come before. This unique, web based tool will allow users to improve accuracy, achieve greater efficiency and optimize results.At The Economical Insurance Group, we believe in the power of possibilities. By successfully replacing our legacy computer systems, we plan to achieve what no other North American company in the P&C industry has been able to do. It’s all part of our focus on staying at the leading edge in order to provide superior service to our customers and an enriching environment for our team. Visit us online to learn more about exciting career opportunities.We are currently hiring for Java Developers and Designers, Integration Analysts, Project Managers, Team Leaders and many more.Please feel free to forward this e-mail to any colleague, friends and/or family that may also be interested in these exciting opportunities.Based in Waterloo, ON, The Economical Insurance Group (TEIG) is one of the largest property and casualty insurance companies in Canada, serving customers from coast to coast. Our workplace culture provides both challenges and rewards to inspire quality and creativity as well as a balanced work/life environment. We meet the challenges of a competitive, evolving marketplace by remaining true to the values that underscore our corporate culture. We are known for our security and stability, as we have been a trusted part of the Canadian landscape for 135 years. Our Total Rewards strategy provides our employees with competitive base and incentive pay, flexible benefits, and a business casual workplace that supports a healthy work/life balance. We offer a professional, dynamic working environment where opportunities for learning and career growth are limitless.Regards,Economical Insurancewww.economicalinsurance.com
回复: Economical Insurance的IT工作机会Toronto的朋友,有人在Edmonton生活过吗?能比较一下两个城市吗?我在考虑明年登陆哪里。我是做软件开发的。
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