加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?Where ever Chinese passport can go. Other than that, None.
第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?枫叶卡只是你在加拿大居住的身份证明,你要到其他任何国家,你的身份证明是中国护照,因此枫叶卡没有任何作用
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?瑞士可以免签吧新加坡好象停留四十八小时以内免签。韩国好象也一样。回香港不用办港澳通行证
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?除了来加拿大外,跟没有枫叶卡一样。
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?瑞士可以免签吧新加坡好象停留四十八小时以内免签。韩国好象也一样。回香港不用办港澳通行证点击展开... 粗体红字部分是错的,大家不要被误导.
赏 粗体红字部分是错的,大家不要被误导.点击展开...不对么?从大陆到香港入关的时候只要出示下一程机票和枫叶卡,就可以最长在香港停留七天啊。从加拿大到香港入关也是一样,可以留七天。好象都不用出票机票,有人是从香港入关,坐车回深圳的呀。
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?古巴,墨西哥,瑞士
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?古巴是对中国护照免签,不算.瑞士,墨西哥,澳门(每次可停留一个月)对持枫叶卡的中国公民免签,新加坡是72小时内对持枫叶卡的中国公民免签过境(对持中国护照的中国公民前往大马和泰国的48小时内也免签过境),香港是对持任何外国签证和有效机票的中国公民免签过境,也不算.
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?不对么?从大陆到香港入关的时候只要出示下一程机票和枫叶卡,就可以最长在香港停留七天啊。从加拿大到香港入关也是一样,可以留七天。好象都不用出票机票,有人是从香港入关,坐车回深圳的呀。点击展开...我的理解是过境停留。如果直接去香港,是否还要办港澳通行证?
我的ING ORANGE KEY 40774691S1,欢迎使用古巴是对中国护照免签,不算.瑞士,墨西哥,澳门(每次可停留一个月)对持枫叶卡的中国公民免签,新加坡是72小时内对持枫叶卡的中国公民免签过境(对持中国护照的中国公民前往大马和泰国的48小时内也免签过境),香港是对持任何外国签证和有效机票的中国公民免签过境,也不算.点击展开...那就是说,我可以设计这样的旅游线路:1. 中国 -- 香港(停留7天) -- 新加波(停留72小时) -- 瑞士?2. 中国 -- 澳门 ,不用港澳通行证?
我的ING ORANGE KEY 40774691S1,欢迎使用回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?香港通行证是不是在中国TORONTO领事馆办理,不知道好不好办。
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?据我在美国同样持有枫叶卡的朋友说,凭枫叶卡去加勒比海沿岸的几个国家都可以免签证。前阵子在VANCOUVER看到有坐游轮玩加勒比海沿岸三国的广告,有兴趣的人可以去问问旅游公司,证实一下是否可以免签。
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?不要做梦了....
最新2012年7月后中英对照DiscoverCanada加拿大入籍考试指南,与最新官网音频同步http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=592263回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?拿枫叶卡在国内最方便的就是去澳门了,直接去就是了,现在国内对去澳门卡得真紧.
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?瑞士有枫叶卡是可停留90天。http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/reps/nameri/vcan/ref_visinf/viscan.htmlCanadian Citizens holding a valid passport do not need a visa as long as their stay as a tourist in Switzerland does not exceed 90 days. Other regulations apply for work or study purposes. Visa exemption for all foreign Nationals including holders of the blue Travel Documents (London Convention of 15 October 1946 and Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 as well as New York Convention of 28 September 1954) who hold a valid long-term residence permit of a EU- or EFTA-country, of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Canada or USA. Please note that for Canada only the “PR Card” is recognised as a Resident Permit (holders of an Employment authorisation, Student authorisation, or Ministers permit do still need a visa)These rules apply only for stays in Switzerland not exceeding 90 days, with the purpose of tourism, visit, business consultations, medical treatments, participation in scientific, economic, cultural, religious or sporting events, and temporary reporting foreign media.When entering Switzerland, present a valid National Passport and one of the above mentioned papers. If a visa is required the passport has to be valid for at least 3 months after you leave Switzerland).
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?学习
回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?瑞士有枫叶卡是可停留90天。http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/reps/nameri/vcan/ref_visinf/viscan.htmlCanadian Citizens holding a valid passport do not need a visa as long as their stay as a tourist in Switzerland does not exceed 90 days. Other regulations apply for work or study purposes. Visa exemption for all foreign Nationals including holders of the blue Travel Documents (London Convention of 15 October 1946 and Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 as well as New York Convention of 28 September 1954) who hold a valid long-term residence permit of a EU- or EFTA-country, of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Canada or USA. Please note that for Canada only the “PR Card” is recognised as a Resident Permit (holders of an Employment authorisation, Student authorisation, or Ministers permit do still need a visa)These rules apply only for stays in Switzerland not exceeding 90 days, with the purpose of tourism, visit, business consultations, medical treatments, participation in scientific, economic, cultural, religious or sporting events, and temporary reporting foreign media.When entering Switzerland, present a valid National Passport and one of the above mentioned papers. If a visa is required the passport has to be valid for at least 3 months after you leave Switzerland).点击展开...That's great!
我的ING ORANGE KEY 40774691S1,欢迎使用回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?来了一个月才拿到枫叶卡,看来这张卡对旅游计划还是有帮助的,谢谢各位。
越洋大迁徙长登多伦多,诸多事项办理顺序及地址痛下决心考驾照,G2/G笔记…………爱里没有惧怕。爱既完全、就把惧怕除去…………回复: 拿到枫叶卡可以免签证或者落地去哪些国家?学习
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