加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!
我想知道去加国规定的年龄是22岁吗?如果是22足周岁,我21岁才入纸,也就是说去年21岁的时候才正色被受理,现在在办案中,我是5月份出生的,那我明年五月份就23 ,我现在处于22的阶段,那我现在属于超龄吗?!还是到明年5月份23岁了才属于超龄?!我有几个朋友说如果入纸的时候没超龄就不怕会被否出来,是真的吗?如果到了明年还没有通知,我会不会真的被否出来,好担心哦~~不想走到这一步才被否出来啊!!!!!
回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!What class of immigation are you applying?
第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!我见过70多岁移民过来的。
赏 我想知道去加国规定的年龄是22岁吗?如果是22足周岁,我21岁才入纸,也就是说去年21岁的时候才正色被受理,现在在办案中,我是5月份出生的,那我明年五月份就23 ,我现在处于22的阶段,那我现在属于超龄吗?!还是到明年5月份23岁了才属于超龄?!我有几个朋友说如果入纸的时候没超龄就不怕会被否出来,是真的吗?如果到了明年还没有通知,我会不会真的被否出来,好担心哦~~不想走到这一步才被否出来啊!!!!!点击展开...
回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!我想知道去加国规定的年龄是22岁吗?如果是22足周岁,我21岁才入纸,也就是说去年21岁的时候才正色被受理,现在在办案中,我是5月份出生的,那我明年五月份就23 ,我现在处于22的阶段,那我现在属于超龄吗?!还是到明年5月份23岁了才属于超龄?!我有几个朋友说如果入纸的时候没超龄就不怕会被否出来,是真的吗?如果到了明年还没有通知,我会不会真的被否出来,好担心哦~~不想走到这一步才被否出来啊!!!!!点击展开...LZ是随父母亲属团聚移民吧。22岁。一般以申请时的年龄为准,而且是未婚和依靠父母经济为生活支持。在批准前保持“未婚”状态为好。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3998E.PDFDependent childrenYour child or a child of your spouse or common-law partner will be considered a dependent child if thatchildA. is under the age of 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship; orB. married or entered into a common-law relationship before the age 22 and, since becoming a spouseor a common-law partner, has been continuously enrolled and in attendance as full-time students in a post secondaryinstitution accredited by the relevant government authority and depended substantially on the financial support of a parent; oris 22 years of age or older and, since before the age of 22, has been continuously enrolled and in attendance as full-time students in a post secondaryinstitution accredited by the relevant government authority and depended substantially on the financial support of a parent; orC. is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent sincebefore the age of 22 and is unable to provide for him/herself due to a medical condition.
回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!LZ是随父母亲属团聚移民吧。22岁。一般以申请时的年龄为准,而且是未婚和依靠父母经济为生活支持。在批准前保持“未婚”状态为好。 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3998E.PDF Dependent childrenYour child or a child of your spouse or common-law partner will be considered a dependent child if thatchildA. is under the age of 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship; orB. married or entered into a common-law relationship before the age 22 and, since becoming a spouseor a common-law partner, hasbeen continuously enrolled and in attendance as full-time students in a post secondaryinstitution accredited by the relevant government authority anddepended substantially on the financial support of a parent; oris 22 years of age or older and, since before the age of 22, hasbeen continuously enrolled and in attendance as full-time students in a post secondaryinstitution accredited by the relevant government authority anddepended substantially on the financial support of a parent; orC. is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent sincebefore the age of 22 and is unable to provide for him/herself due to a medical condition.点击展开...我需要去找个学校来读书吗>?
回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!虽然还是有点不太清楚自己是可以还是不可以.......还是谢大家了,人,永远跟心理争不过,只求心理问题能轻松一下........怎样都好了!期待的希望是最好的消息...
回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!我需要去找个学校来读书吗>?点击展开...最好。
越洋大迁徙长登多伦多,诸多事项办理顺序及地址痛下决心考驾照,G2/G笔记…………爱里没有惧怕。爱既完全、就把惧怕除去…………回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!请问楼主你是否家里申请团聚移民,然后你作为附属申请人跟随移民呢?
回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!请问楼主你是否家里申请团聚移民,然后你作为附属申请人跟随移民呢?点击展开...YES
回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!中国这事最容易,改个户口就抓蜻蜓那么容易。
第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养回复: 关于赴加超龄问题,我急得快哭了!!!只要你入纸时未超龄,应该不会有什么问题,不过你不可以在办理过程中结婚,还有在要求你父母面试的同时也需要你参与的,假如你出示到全日制在校证明就可以免去你的面试!多一个人面试或许会多一份风险...PS:亲身经历,希望对你有帮助,我儿子也是申请时21岁,我们面试时刚好22岁...
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