回复: 密市生活方便方便,有大统华超市,马路宽敞,停车免费。就是中餐馆没有SCAR多。华人没有那么集中。我更喜欢Mississauga。看个人喜好。
for everyone. 赏

4,423 $0.00 回复: 密市生活方便那是相当的方便,大统华、元明、新兴等中国超市,都很集中。我也更喜欢这里,我在downtown的downtown上班。评论
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。 赏

27,238 $0.00 回复: 密市生活方便我也喜欢这里...评论

Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏

13,506 $0.00 回复: 密市生活方便公立的college根本没有。就近的有Etobicoke 的 Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningOakville 的 Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning想上University有多大的分校私立college有几个- Algonquin Careers Academy - Mississauga Algonquin Careers Academy offers Travel, Health Care and Business diploma programs in Mississauga and Ottawa.- Britain Institute- Canadian Academy of Dental Hygiene Provides current, quality education in dental hygiene. The faculty is comprised of health care professionals including dental hygienists, dentists and other selected health care personnel.- Canadian Automotive and Trucking Institute - Mississauga Campus Canadian Automotive and Trucking Institute for advanced automotive training classes and technology, transportation operations school, and advanced auto parts and service programs.- Everest College - Mississauga Campus CDI has 46 campuses across Canada. Study at the School of Business, Health Care or Technology. CDI College offers diplomas and new careers. Get yours today!- Metalworks Institute of Sound and Music Production Structured to educate you with the vital theories and skills for your future. Ourone-year Audio Production & Engineering program combines all the essential elements of an education in recording arts.- National Academy of Health and Business, The- The Culinary Arts School of Ontario- triOS College Business Technology Heathcare Inc. (Mississauga Campus)评论
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 赏
回复: 密市生活方便1、房价高2、学校不多,或者说少得可怜。3、工厂多4、中国人少5、物价高6、华人超市和餐馆赶不上士嘉堡多。其他的大家补充。
回复: 密市生活方便Mississauga Population Details Number of people: 668,549Number of homes: 214,894 Average household income: $97,011.00Average age: 37Percentage of males: 49.8%Percentage of females: 50.2%Top religion: Roman Catholic (42.9%)Top ethnicities: East Indian (10.0%), English (9.0%), Canadian (7.0%)Top job types: White collar (32.0%), Grey collar (39.5)%, Blue collar (28.5)% Family details Marital status: Single (30.6%), Divorced (8.2%), Married (56.6%), Widowed (4.6%)People per home: 3.0 (*)Children per family: 1.4 (*) Ages: 0-9 (11.9)%, 10-19 (14.2)%, 20-44 (37.6)%, 45-64 (26.4)%, over 65 (9.8)% Home details Owned: 75.7%Rented: 24.3%Average bedrooms: 2.9 (*) Average age of home: 24.1 (*)Movers in the last year: 100.00%Movers in the last 5 years: 90.00% Lifestyle details Average kilometers driven per year: 13,359 Most common type of vehicle driven: SedanMade charitable donations in past year: 51%Own vacation home: 11.3%Most common pet owned: Have Dog(s) as Pet (30.29)%Shopping preference: Shop at Department Stores (55.21)%Most common leisure activities: Outdoor Nature Activities, Theme Parks ZoosMost common magazine subscriptions: Read General Interest MagazinesMost common listenership (radio stations): Listen News Talk RadioScarborough Population Details Number of people: 607,876Number of homes: 203,100 Average household income: $72,740.00Average age: 38Percentage of males: 48.8%Percentage of females: 51.2%Top religion: Roman Catholic (26.44%)Top ethnicities: Chinese (15.0%), East Indian (9.0%), English (8.0%)Top job types: White collar (33.3%), Grey collar (41.6)%, Blue collar (25.1)% Family details Marital status: Single (32.5%), Divorced (9.2%), Married (52.1%), Widowed (6.2%)People per home: 3.0 (*)Children per family: 1.3 (*) Ages: 0-9 (11.7)%, 10-19 (13.0)%, 20-44 (36.1)%, 45-64 (25.6)%, over 65 (13.5)% Home details Owned: 66.1%Rented: 33.9%Average bedrooms: 2.6 (*) Average age of home: 34.7 (*)Movers in the last year: 100.00%Movers in the last 5 years: 85.00% Lifestyle details Average kilometers driven per year: 11,583 Most common type of vehicle driven: SedanMade charitable donations in past year: 50%Own vacation home: 9.97%Most common pet owned: Cat(s) (26.29)%Shopping preference: high end boutique retailers (3.8)%Most common leisure activities: Aerobic exercise, Indoor arts craftsMost common magazine subscriptions: nature magazinesMost common listenership (radio stations): Adult Contemporary/Adult Standards Radio
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 密市生活方便谢谢各位,都加SW了.这个利弊要再权衡一下.
回复: 密市生活方便谢谢各位,都加SW了.这个利弊要再权衡一下.点击展开...声望改变能力不错!
I'm in Mississauga. 我在密市 回复: 密市生活方便很喜欢密市,生活方便,人口密度低,到哪里都很方便。
我在加拿大找工作的故事College学习生活全攻略一点感想,写给新移民找对你的第一份工作加东旅行 翠湖山庄欧洲五国自驾游行摄天下那是相当的方便,大统华、元明、新兴等中国超市,都很集中。我也更喜欢这里,我在downtown的downtown上班。点击展开...打扰您一下,如果没有车,从mississauga到downtown方便吗?Go train吗?有几种交通方式呢?谢谢了!
回复: 密市生活方便我离go station比较近,所以坐go train/bus。很方便。1.月票 171,Eriendale station <-> Union2.早晚高峰go train,平时 go bus3.周末and假日可以免费带一个同伴4.凭月票每次前往go station或者返回,乘坐mississauga transit :$0.6。5.可以购买mississauga transit sticker,$22
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。回复: 密市生活方便除了go train,你还可以做mississauga transit(bus),到islington 或者kipling地铁站,换乘TTC
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。回复: 密市生活方便听说好几个比较不错的高中都是约克那边,这边孩子的学校也很一般
回复: 密市生活方便除了go train,你还可以做mississauga transit(bus),到islington 或者kipling地铁站,换乘TTC点击展开...换TTC的话,是不是还要再买TTC的票呢?
回复: 密市生活方便换TTC的话,是不是还要再买TTC的票呢?点击展开...是的,TTC在mississauga不能用,如果你到downtown办事,在那里需要倒很多次车或subway的话,你可以买one day pass,TTC当天无限使用。
回复: 密市生活方便是的,TTC在mississauga不能用,如果你到downtown办事,在那里需要倒很多次车或subway的话,你可以买one day pass,TTC当天无限使用。点击展开...没错,如果去的人多可以考虑family pass
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。没错,如果去的人多可以考虑family pass点击展开...TTC 的 family day pass只有周末能用
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