加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息北京高中生去密市,有些问题想了解~~~
我是高二学生,想去密市读高中。但密市接受国际学生的只有Thomas L kennedy Secondary School 和 Clarkson Secondary School 这两所学校好么?我不太了解,, 希望大家能帮帮忙~~~~帮我介绍介绍学校和学校周围环境~~~ 谢谢!!!!
回复: 北京高中生去密市,有些问题想了解~~~虽然不懂,但欢迎小同学,加分分。
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。虽然不懂,但欢迎小同学,加分分。点击展开...那你能告诉我怎么加分么???不会啊 ?(?╊?)? 我刚注册这个
回复: 北京高中生去密市,有些问题想了解~~~Clarkson Secondary School 这个学校我有一个朋友在上,好想还有不少的中国人,周围环境还不错,在安大略湖旁边。。。
回复: 北京高中生去密市,有些问题想了解~~~帮顶
回复: 北京高中生去密市,有些问题想了解~~~I know Thomas Kennedy is a good school (higher rate in Mississauga secondary school). It's located on Hurontario Street, which is the main street in Mississauga. Convenience for transportation. The school is close to Square One, a big shopping centre in Mississauga. Frankly speaking, the area around the school is not neat, but this is a good one. No idea about Clarkson.
回复: 北京高中生去密市,有些问题想了解~~~Clarkson Secondary School 这个学校我有一个朋友在上,好想还有不少的中国人,周围环境还不错,在安大略湖旁边。。。点击展开...这个学校具体位置在哪里呀?是不是周围特安静?治安好么?谢谢~~
回复: 北京高中生去密市,有些问题想了解~~~I know Thomas Kennedy is a good school (higher rate in Mississauga secondary school). It's located on Hurontario Street, which is the main street in Mississauga. Convenience for transportation. The school is close to Square One, a big shopping centre in Mississauga. Frankly speaking, the area around the school is not neat, but this is a good one. No idea about Clarkson.点击展开...Thomas Kennedy 这学校周围好像还有好多学校,会不会很乱呢、?
回复: 北京高中生去密市,有些问题想了解~~~你好!DC STUDENT & CARE PLUS CENTER 是专门代理大多伦多地区, 包括密市政府教育局下属公立高中国际学生入学项目.公司电话905-461-0438EMAIL: [email protected]有事情可以与此公司联系, 了解. 祝你好运.
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