加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有谁知道ARC (After-school Recreation Care)的具体情况
回复: 有谁知道ARC (After-school Recreation Care)的具体情况看看这个:不是解决“无人接送问题”, 是小孩放学后这段时间(下午3点-6点)如何处理的问题(因为父母多半没有收工)http://www.toronto.ca/parks/after-school-recreation.htmWhat is ARC? ARC (After-school Recreation Care) programs for children aged 6-12 years are offered by Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation. ARC programs begin in September and end in June. They are offered Monday to Friday, from school dismissal to 6 p.m. ARC programs in a variety of activities such as outdoor play, games, drama, sports, arts and crafts. The program schedule allows children time to eat snacks they have brought to the program. One experience leader is responsible for a group of 10 children. ARC programs welcome families to join their children for planned special activities. Program staff will advise you when special events are taking place!
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