加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多
故意丢掉的20个钱包, 每个钱包里有 $43.77 , http://www.thestar.com/living/article/624319 15个被多伦多人归还了
回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀还有5个呢?
回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀记者是吃不了撑得。那5个可能是没丢,直接拿回家了。
2008年携妻儿在多伦多生活半年,大长见识,不虚此行,此生无悔,但很遗憾,现已全家回流,回到起点,但经常的全家很想念多伦多,但决定不去了。回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀THE PURSE TRAVELLED VERY FARyears ago, we gave afriend a ride home (Etobicoke) * headed home ourselves to Scarboro; stopped for a sub & my purse fell out of the car, Lakeshore/Royal York. I did not notice until I got home. We drove all the way back, it was gone. I was so upset, young, little money or ID & all gone. Weeks later, a pkg arrived at my home in Scarboro, stamped "received damaged in Port aux Basque, Nfld", where my family came from. Whoever found the purse, looked up my name, sent it to Nfld, they recognized my name in Port aux basque & sent it back to me. Inside a note- they had found 8 quarters, put in $2. bill..less weight Now that's a heartwarming story. Better than the time my wallet was stolen from the No Frills on Kingston Road, & within 20 minutes, they tried to use my debit card. A lovely couple found my birth certificate & license & mailed it back to me, but all the credit cards WERE GONE. Submitted by JET with car at 10:47 AM Monday, April 27 2009
回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀I lost a purse in Montreal on weekend, and somebody returned it to me Monday.
http://forum.iask.ca/threads/护士如何在蒙城做回本行-我的经验与教训.146270/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/想上学-绝不可错过的两个网站.125589/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/你能免掉多少college-课?-我先撞墙得到的珍贵经验.421342/回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀Similar wallet experiments conducted by Reader's Digest and the Chicago Sun-Times did note that people in affluent areas were less likely to return found property than those in lower-to-middle class areas.Our pattern of discovery showed that downtowners were quicker than suburbanites, and that more wallets were returned by men than women. Discuss.What we can say is in Toronto now, in the worst recession since the Depression honesty is not about the rich, or the poor. It's everywhere, and it's overwhelming.
记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀坚定了一下20个中有15个被归还,2个发稿时已经联络上,其他3个当然石沉大海了
记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。Similar wallet experiments conducted by Reader's Digest and the Chicago Sun-Times did note that people in affluent areas were less likely to return found property than those in lower-to-middle class areas. quote] You mean that's why they are rich.点击展开...
回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀You mean that's why they are rich.[/quote] 高手!
回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀要是钱包里放的钱是3000以上,会有人还么?
以佛修心,以道做人。回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀我在国内也试过丢钱包后有人亏还的,但是里面1cent都无晒
回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀我在国内也试过丢钱包后有人亏还的,但是里面1cent都无晒点击展开...你自己试? for what 1cent 都无晒?
回复: 多伦多star报道 - 故意丢掉的20个钱包证明多伦多好人多呀我在国内不小心掉过钱包,归还了,而且也一分不差~
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