加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息是否投诉有门?
回复: 是否投诉有门?这里就是如此的,非常烂...
赏 这里就是如此的,非常烂...点击展开...中国内只知道中国电信很烂很霸王,真是想不到没有最烂只有更烂!
回复: 是否投诉有门?www.bbb.org这里有更多内容:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=3907225
回复: 是否投诉有门?没听过有这样的组织!房管所到是有一个。
回复: 是否投诉有门?中国内只知道中国电信很烂很霸王,真是想不到没有最烂只有更烂!点击展开...For sure , I hate them
回复: 是否投诉有门?今天不是很开心,所以找茬把PC MASTERCARD骂了一通,最后他们给我加了3000分,虽然只是能换3块钱的东西,但是看来骂人还是管用的.(没带脏字哈).
回复: 是否投诉有门?有门是有,不过估计没什么效果。你说,你向XXX投诉,他一个客户服务有什么可操心的。应该天天打电话去烦他们,然后要求和manager谈。
泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖有门是有,不过估计没什么效果。你说,你向XXX投诉,他一个客户服务有什么可操心的。应该天天打电话去烦他们,然后要求和manager谈。点击展开...luhui MM好, 俺也相信没有效果,好像新移民很少人不骂Rogers, Bell的, 但它们活得还是很好
回复: 是否投诉有门?BBB 是没用的。 他们只是协调,不能做任何有法律效力的裁定。所以即使在BBB这里的评价很差,很多商家都没所谓的。最后即使BBB认定商家有错,如果需要索赔,他们只会建议你去小额法庭。最终的结果就是费时费力,不了了之。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 反馈:Candace Gao 2009-05-06#11 可 209 $0.00 回复: 是否投诉有门?My microwave oven was not working from last September, now it doesnt work still. I have called the service for more than 20, they answered me that the part is coming....from the States....and XOOAJOFJAOFJOJFOJGAJIOIGFinally, last week they were going to give me a new oven to take the old over, but asked me to contact the service for removal and re-installation. I called them, the rep. pulled me to their manager, however the manager was always not in office...OMG...I am going to contact them again if I have nothing to do.At beginnig, I thought to buy a new one...but I didnt think it would take so much long time to wait, now I have adapted this situation, I am still alive without microwave oven!BTW. I am working in the service department of a Canadian company, what I can say is most of services here are not good. They are wasting lots time during their work time.
http://www.buxmillionaire.com/?ref=kennyxiaMy microwave oven was not working from last September, now it doesnt work still. I have called the service for more than 20, they answered me that the part is coming....from the States....and XOOAJOFJAOFJOJFOJGAJIOIG Finally, last week they were going to give me a new oven to take the old over, but asked me to contact the service for removal and re-installation. I called them, the rep. pulled me to their manager, however the manager was always not in office...OMG... I am going to contact them again if I have nothing to do. At beginnig, I thought to buy a new one...but I didnt think it would take so much long time to wait, now I have adapted this situation, I am still alive without microwave oven! BTW. I am working in the service department of a Canadian company, what I can say is most of services here are not good. They are wasting lots time during their work time.点击展开...
回复: 是否投诉有门?这里的电信市场竞争不激烈, 就那么几家, 又贵服务有差。 在BC的时候打SHAW的电话经常等半个小时以上没人接。现在国内的电信服务已经比这里好多了。 ROGERS的手机费几乎前几个月都是多, 只有打过几次电话之后才对。 我装ROGERS INTERNET 的时候说好给我便宜25块初装费的, 可是来了单子后没少, 只有又打电话要回来。有时候觉得他们是故意的, 你要是不看他们就赚了。
回复: 是否投诉有门?竟然还有不如网通的
回复: 是否投诉有门?很快你会发现大把东西比不上中国的
回复: 是否投诉有门?哎,看来的电信网络运营商真是够差的,最终我的网络还是等天今天才安装好了,只是发现速度绝不是我要求的5M,最多是2M...还得再找他们麻烦...目前对方答应给我延长半个月的使用期。
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