明天是Victoria Day,是不是有地方放礼花啊?Mississauga有没有?
http://foot.ci123.com回复: 今天有地方放礼花是吗??Victoria Day Fireworks DisplayAt Ontario PlacePrice: $11.75 - $17.75Sun., May 17, 9:30 PM Ontario Place offers up a Victoria Day fireworks display on Sunday of the long weekend. The park is open to the public for the first time this year, and all the attractions are up and running, including the waterpark -- weather permitting
回复: 今天有地方放礼花是吗?? Free Fireworks Display at Ashbridges Bay :THE place to watch the fireworks, on a wide expanse of beach! * Monday, May 18, 2009 after 9:30 p.m. but come MUCH earlier!! * Why come early? To stroll, shop and enjoy the eats and drinks of The Beach. * Fireworks are at Ashbridge's Bay; take the TTC and avoid the traffic or the long search for a parking spot. * Take the Queen streetcar east to Coxwell or Woodbine or the subway to the same and then any bus going south. Definitely forget the car; the TTC IS the better way. * Beach blankets and beach chairs are a great idea!http://www.beachesbia.com/Events.asp?opt=2&sopt=may
回复: 今天有地方放礼花是吗??感谢,+ff。今天的要收钱,又远了点,明天免费,更远。老实在家待着吧。
http://foot.ci123.com回复: 今天有地方放礼花是吗??3q
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 今天有地方放礼花是吗??等着Canada Day (7月1日)看烟花。到处有得看,天气又好
回复: 今天有地方放礼花是吗??刚才QEW南边有人放烟花呢,看了一回免费的,呵呵!
回复: 今天有地方放礼花是吗??渥太华,国会山 今天中午12点有礼炮。
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