加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有没有近期回国的
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......回复: 有没有近期回国的帮顶!
回复: 有没有近期回国的顶。。。
大温地产经纪回复: 有没有近期回国的十月中回深圳,不知能否帮上忙?
回复: 有没有近期回国的十月中回深圳,不知能否帮上忙?点击展开...多谢,估计是有点晚了。
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......回复: 有没有近期回国的9/14 -> beijing
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。9/14 -> beijing点击展开...家住哪里,如何联络,多谢
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......家住哪里,如何联络,多谢点击展开... 哪边的家?悄悄话你了。其实我也加过你的MSN,很久以前了。
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