加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 求教
刚刚登陆登11天,现住RICHMOND HILL,那里有英语学习。LG只懂26个字母
回复: 求教刚刚登陆登11天,现住RICHMOND HILL,那里有英语学习。LG只懂26个字母点击展开...http://www.careerfoundation.com/our_services/newcomer_services.htmlToronto Linc Assessment Centers YMCA, 10 Milner Business Court, 416-609-9622 YMCA, 42 Charles Street, 416-925-5462 YMCA, 1315 Finch Avenue West, Room 503, 416 635-9622 Ontario Linc Assessment Centers Community Development Council, Durham, Ajax, Ontario Guelph Multicultural Centre, Guelph, Ontario Kingston and District Immigrant Services, Kingston, Ontario Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA Language Assessment Centre, Kitchener, Ontario London Cross Cultural Learner Centre, London, Ontario YMCA-YWCA Language Assessment and Referral Centre, Ottawa, Ontario New Canadians' Centre, Peterborough, Ontario The Career Foundation, Richmond Hill, Ontario LINC Assessment and Outreach Services, St. Catharines, Ontario LINC Assessment Centre, Sarnia, Ontario Sudbury Multicultural Folk Arts Association, Sudbury, Ontario, Thunder Bay Multicultural Association, Thunder Bay, Ontario, YMCA of Greater Toronto, Toronto, Ontario English Testing Centre, Windsor, Ontario Ontario
我在加拿大找工作的故事College学习生活全攻略一点感想,写给新移民找对你的第一份工作加东旅行 翠湖山庄欧洲五国自驾游行摄天下刚刚登陆登11天,现住RICHMOND HILL,那里有英语学习。LG只懂26个字母点击展开...should be 28个字母
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Googleshould be 28个字母点击展开...哪28个哟?
回复: 求教刚刚登陆登11天,现住RICHMOND HILL,那里有英语学习。LG只懂26个字母点击展开...请问你住哪个区?如果知道得精确些那么可以给你一些离你近一点的地方去联系。另外你的GST退税、牛奶金、工卡等有没有办?若没有,本人可以协助你办。
·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层