加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会


多伦多信息港(记者彭琳报道):周六晚上,一名老汉在Bloor-Danforth线地铁列车上遭抢劫。​ 这名老汉名叫Yusuf Hizel,今年79岁。事故发生在晚上8:30左右,在Chester和Pape stations地铁站之间,当时2名男子走向他索要钱,老汉说没有,结果二人抢走了他的钱包和眼镜。 Hizel告诉CityNews称,“他们直接抓住我,然后从我的口袋中抢走了钱包”,“我向其他乘客叫喊求助,但是没有人理会我,当时列车上几乎是半满的”。 当时Hizel够不着警报器,车上无人回应他的叫喊求助。在袭击中,Hizel的鼻子被划伤。 TTC一名乘客表示,发生这样的事情很令人失望害怕。 事故发生后不久,警方找到了受害者被抢走的钱包,里面的现金不见了,但是信用卡还在。 目前,警方已经掌握了2名嫌疑人的一些具体特征,希望有任何信息的拨打911电话。2名嫌疑人的特征为:黑人,20岁,身高5英尺8英寸,均穿黑色衣服,二人或其中一人的夹克胸前有标志。

回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会多伦多信息港(记者彭琳报道):周六晚上,一名老汉在Bloor-Danforth线地铁列车上遭抢劫。 这名老汉名叫Yusuf Hizel,今年79岁。事故发生在晚上8:30左右,在Chester和Pape stations地铁站之间,当时2名男子走向他索要钱,老汉说没有,结果二人抢走了他的钱包和眼镜。Hizel告诉CityNews称,“他们直接抓住我,然后从我的口袋中抢走了钱包”,“我向其他乘客叫喊求助,但是没有人理会我,当时列车上几乎是半满的”。当时Hizel够不着警报器,车上无人回应他的叫喊求助。在袭击中,Hizel的鼻子被划伤。TTC一名乘客表示,发生这样的事情很令人失望害怕。事故发生后不久,警方找到了受害者被抢走的钱包,里面的现金不见了,但是信用卡还在。目前,警方已经掌握了2名嫌疑人的一些具体特征,希望有任何信息的拨打911电话。2名嫌疑人的特征为:黑人,20岁,身高5英尺8英寸,均穿黑色衣服,二人或其中一人的夹克胸前有标志。点击展开...太可怕的了。治安竟然这么差

回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会Toronto police say subway riders who failed to intervene as a 79-year-old man was robbed by a pair of young thugs can still redeem themselves by coming forward now to report what they saw. "You have an opportunity now to provide us with information," Const. Wendy Drummond said this afternoon. "It's never too late." The elderly victim was heading home eastbound on the Bloor-Danforth line at 8:30 p.m. Saturday when the young man seated beside him asked for change. "The suspect asked for change. The victim said no. He then asked in a more demanding manner. The second suspect then involved himself. It was pretty clear this is something more than somebody requiring change for a payphone," said Const. Drummond. The victim, who Const. Drummond described as "spry," attempted to activate the Passenger Assistance Alarm, but could not reach it. The two men, both described only as black men in their 20s wearing all-black clothing, grabbed the man and took his wallet.Although the man yelled for help, and "more than a handful" of people were on the subway car, no one intervened, said Const. Drummond. The 79-year-old victim nonetheless chased the two men as they exited the train at Chester Station, but they were able to make their escape. "It is disappointing that nobody would come to his assistance," she said. "To date, we haven't had any witnesses come forward .... We know there were other people there." Const. Drummond said police would never counsel citizens to intervene in a robbery, but would expect witnesses to seek help by calling 911, alerting a TTC collector, or through some other means, even while staying at arm's length.The man's wallet was found on the Danforth. Const. Drummond expects the two suspects' images will have been caught by TTC security cameras. Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 416-808-5400, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), online at www.222tips.com, or text TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637).

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous UtopiaA Novel by Ursula K. Le GuinWinner of Nebula Award in 1974 and Hugo Award in 1975​回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会网友评论, 有趣. idiots. chastise people for not stepping in, but then say you'd never expect people to do this anyway. you don't go admonishing people for not intervening in something like this. for all they know, those same people already have reported the incident. i want to know just how many people would willingly step between 2 obviously aggressive 20 year olds forcibly taking someone's wallet, and not expect to get their face bashed in for their efforts. __________________________ Someone could have at least pushed the passenger alert button for him, from the safety of their seat. There's also the possibility that the 79 year old man looked really scruffy himself... in which case people would be even more unlikely to intervene. ____________________ ha ha, that bit about the victim being 'spry' is a strange descriptor. i wonder what it's code for.well i think that if i were to witness that, i don't know what i'd do. to be honest, i wasn't even aware there is an emerg button thing. _________________________ Ever watch Cop Land, the Sylvester Stallone movie? Aurora and Newmarket are now our Cop Land. Makes you wonder why TO police care less and less about a city many of them do not live in ________________________Toronto cops will do nothing as usual. They dont address this type of crime unless someone is severly injured or killed____________________________ I can see people being afraid to intervene personally lest they get knifed by one of the "poor disadvantaged youth". It's a bit cowardly - you can always try for a disabling sucker-punch to the back of the thief's head while they're focused on the victim, if you think they're armed - but I understand why they'd be afraid to try.But there's simply no excuse for not even talking to the police._________________________ While I certainly regret that this elderly gentleman endured such a crime, to accuse Torontonians of failure to act is ridiculous in my opinion. As a single young woman who often travels alone, I can't think of anything more dangerous than calling attention to myself on a train I can't escape, between stations with no transit operator or cell phone service by pressing the passenger assistance alarm button, much less intervening directly. What a dangerous thing to do![/quote]

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous UtopiaA Novel by Ursula K. Le GuinWinner of Nebula Award in 1974 and Hugo Award in 1975​回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会不知谁说的,大城市的人都看上去比较冷漠。。。

Toronto 回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会请教这个“passenger assistance alarm button”在哪儿?

回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会面对持械歹人,武力上处于绝对劣势,还是舍财保命来的实惠,除非武力上有明显优势,否则只能是无谓的牺牲。自由拥有枪支的一个最大好处就是能极大程度的拉平人们之间的武力差距。两个持刀黑人小年轻,能镇住半车厢手无寸铁的乘客,如果持枪自由,持枪的黑人小伙子和持枪的老汉之间基本不分伯仲,何况还有半车厢持枪的乘客,大家平等,谁也别惹谁。

回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会前几天听电台的讨论,忘记哪个电台了,说的是前些天在纽约有个人在街上受伤倒下死了。在警方重放街角的监控时,发现在他倒下到最后死亡的时段里,无数的人路过,没有一人给予帮助的。还有人停下来,用手机拍了张照,然后继续走路。然后他们找到了曾经路过的几个人,问当时是怎么想的。大多数人都说‘想想这么多人经过,总会有个人去叫救护车’。然后这个行为被讨论说是‘越多人的地方,得救的可能性越小’,因为责任被分散了,而被分散的微小的责任不足以触发一个人行动。这个和TTC劫案有点相似之处。还有电台请的‘专家’说是因为教育,大家看到这样的事情,先是需要保证自己的安全的前提下再考虑其他的。所以当不清楚情况的时候,大家选择远离麻烦。还有人说万一打了911之类的,会有很多事情跟着来,要作证啊要什么什么的,都是时间成本和不可知的风险,所以大部分人自动规避了。

回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会请教这个“passenger assistance alarm button”在哪儿?点击展开... 我记得在车门附近

回复: 79岁老汉TTC地铁列车上遭抢劫 竟无人理会一车厢的人就斗不过一个歹徒?正义终会战胜邪恶。

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