On July 7, something unusual happened near the Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China. An oddly shaped bright light appeared, forcing the airport to close down and delay 18 flights. Things are now back to normal, but people are wondering, what was that "thing"? An ABC News article on the mysterious sighting explains that some who witnessed the light are calling it a UFO. But, keep in mind, a UFO doesn't necessarily mean little, green men. There is plenty of speculation on whether or not the object was some sort of military aircraft or missile. The ABC article explains that a day following the sighting, "an anonymous source told China Daily that authorities already discovered the identity of the UFO after an investigation but could not publically disclose the information because 'there was a military connection.'" Authorities are continuing to look into the incident, but no public conclusions have yet been made. Despite, or perhaps because of the mystery, Web searches on "china ufo" quickly soared 576%. Related queries on <A href="http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search?p=china+ufo+video+2010&cs=bz&fr=buzz" china ufo video 2010< a>"china ufo video 2010," "china ufo sightings," and "hangzou china ufo" also posted triple digit gains. Even now, a week after the sighting, online lookups remain high. Truth be told, there's not much left to be said. Something weird happened. Nobody knows what it was. And if they do, they aren't saying. Check out the video below and judge for yourself.
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 杭州出现UFO?UFO,野人,尼斯湖、天池怪兽,都是有趣的未解之谜。尼斯湖怪兽好像已经被否定了。野人虽然神秘而离奇,个人认为可能是其他动物的误认,其存在原理和几率应该与华南虎类似。UFO存在可能性最高,但UFO造假的情况最多。
回复: 杭州出现UFO?不知道中国政府有没有公布调查结果?还是像“51”区那样,是军事机密?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 杭州出现UFO?至今无官方解释出来
世事短如春梦,人情薄似秋云。不须计较苦劳心,万事原来有命。 幸遇三杯酒好,况逢一朵花新。片时欢笑且相亲,明日阴晴未定。回复: 杭州出现UFO?zt 一些相关资料我在一个帖子里已经发了外国网友提供的几张快门曝光过长的直升机图,这里我再次发几张图。看了后自己再去想。。。。1-2 楼 首先介绍慢速快门。3-5 楼 外国网友讨论杭州那图所提供的证明,也是慢速快门长时间曝光所导致的拖影成线。。。

回复: 杭州出现UFO?是不是指的是这些图片?个人感觉挺假。真的话,要跪拜一下啊。
回复: 杭州出现UFO?现在又说是中国的火箭DF-21了。
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