加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息二手买卖 - L&G Auto麒麟车行
汽车专业维修, 经验丰富, 设备先进, 技术一流 城市: Markham 营业时间: 周一至周五: 9:30am-6:30pm, 周六: 9:30am-2:00pm, 周日:close 详细营业地址: 19 Laidlaw Blvd. Unit 11, Markham, Ontario (地图) L&G Auto 麒麟车行 please visit www.lgauto.ca for more information. If you have any question, please contact us at 905-471-7482 or [email protected] 自1994年起,服务品质一流的麒麟车行为您提供汽车的保养与维修服务,特别是在排气装置维修方面,为您提供Borla, Dynomax, Flowmaster, Magnaflow等品牌的排气净化器,消声器,共振器,软喉,muffler tips,及氧气传感器等。同时,麒麟车行也为您提供修改烧焊排气装置的服务。 汽车专业维修, 经验丰富, 设备先进, 技术一流, 多家保险公司认可车身机械修理. 为您精修汽车任何发动机、底盘、车身、电器系统等各种故障和疑难杂症. 质量好,价格低,帮您省心、省时、省钱,如果您有任何汽车方面的问题,请与师傅联系,保您满意! Address: Unit 11, 19 Laidlaw Blvd. Markham, ON. L3P 1W5 我提供的服务有:更换正时皮带Timing Belt、水泵Water Pump,排气管exhaust pipe、刹车片brake pad 球头balljoint 发电机alterator 启动机 startor 等等更换挡风玻璃,门窗玻璃,加装电动遥控门锁换季定期安全检查悬挂 轮胎 刹车 灯光 雨刮 传动皮带,机油 防冻液波箱油汽车故障解码检测及解码,故障诊断尾气排放emission test超标检修车身整形,喷漆,防锈,除锈,美容等等........... 联系人: Alan 联系方式: 905-471-7482 [email protected]
回复: L&G Auto麒麟车行L & G Auto Ltd.我们最近推出一系列的推广活动, 广大车友千万别错过了!Hurry up, the promotion will expire soon!以下是我们的一些报价:Promotion Price1996 - 2001 AUDI A4 Custom Magnaflow Catalytic Converter (Parts & Labour)Promotion Price: $235Custom Exhaust Flex Pipes (Parts & Labour)Promotion Price: $65 Only Custom Exhaust Flex Pipes (Parts & Labour)Promotion Price: $1751997 - 2001 HONDA PRELUDECustom Magnaflow Catalytic Converter (Parts & Labour)Promotion Price: $200 (Regular) $250 ( Heavy Duty)1997 - 2001 JEEP CHEROKEECustom Magnaflow Catalytic Converter (Parts & Labour)Promotion Price: $175 1992 - 1996 LEXUS ES300 Custom Magnaflow Catalytic Converter & Custom & Weld Exhaust Flex Pipe (Parts & Labour) Promotion Price: $3652003 MERCEDES S500, S6002002 MERCEDES S430, S500, S55, S6002001 MERCEDES S430, S500, S55,S600 Custom Magnaflow Catalytic Converter (Parts & Labour) Promotion Price: $450/2 Cat. Converters$300/1 Cat. ConverterWe also have promotion on Mini Cooper, Nissan, Saturn, Subaru, Toyota, Trucks, Volkswagen Etc.Please call Alan @ 905-471-7482 for free estimate!!Or visit our website www.lgauto.ca for more information.
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