Got a call from my India friend who is working at Rogers as a Sales Manager. They are urgently looking for a Territory Sales Reb who is speaking fluent English and Chinese. If anyone is interested in this position, please send your resume to my email address within this week. Please make sure that you are good at English and have some sales experience. According to my friend, the pay is not bad, you can enjoy the base salary, bonus, laptop, phone, and company car allowance, etc.My email address is [email protected]. Good luck! This message was originally posted in Missisauga section but no response yet, hope XDJM in Toronto may be interested in this position. Tiger2006
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately恳请斑竹把这个帖子暂时放在前面。那个印度朋友希望我本周内能够帮他找到合适的候选人,过了本周末,本人将不再关注此事。很好的机会,希望能够帮助到某一位朋友。本人也是新移民,不过因为正在读书,对职业方向有新的考虑,所以把这个机会介绍给其他有兴趣做运营商销售的朋友。请抓紧时间,过了本周末这个机会就不一定再有希望了。
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately这个贴子见过只会chinese的行吗?
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately这个销售职位要求中英文都流利才可以啊。兄弟们到了这边,不管愿不愿意,都得下功夫把英语提高上去,以后的路才宽广。按照我的估计,如果YMCA语言测试四个部分基本上是7分或者8分,然后有在日常生活中经常用到英语的话,就可以去试试了。符合条件的哥们别放过这个机会,基础收入应该在4~5万刀,对咱们新移民同志,应该还算不错的吧。
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately让销售什么啊?我给你简历试试。
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediatelypian jian li
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediatelypian jian li点击展开...


回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately兄弟们有怀疑我可以理解,不过尽量还是把人往好里看吧。俺英语8级水平,香港英文MBA毕业,没有骗简历的必要。已经有一个兄弟把简历发给我了,我也转发给了那位印度的朋友,出于对个人的尊重,他的大名我就不在这里说了。如果有朋友还有兴趣,我最多只能转发2个人的简历,避免大家自己竞争。
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately兄弟们有怀疑我可以理解,不过尽量还是把人往好里看吧。俺英语8级水平,香港英文MBA毕业,没有骗简历的必要。已经有一个兄弟把简历发给我了,我也转发给了那位印度的朋友,出于对个人的尊重,他的大名我就不在这里说了。如果有朋友还有兴趣,我最多只能转发2个人的简历,避免大家自己竞争。点击展开...8级是什么标准,指这边成人高中12级那个级别标准吗?
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately8级是什么标准,指这边成人高中12级那个级别标准吗?点击展开...专业英语八级。整体来说英语水平至少和这里的西人大学毕业生同,还会有高的可能。
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately呵呵,英语不够流利啊,不过好想申请啊.....
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - ImmediatelyThanks for all the response. I already sent one friend's resume to the sales manager. This candidate has some local education and working experience. I think he is quite good for this position. If anyone else are still interested, I would like to encourage you to try, only one more resume I will forward. Good luck! Tiger2006
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - ImmediatelyThanks for all the response. I already sent one friend's resume to the sales manager. This candidate has some local education and working experience. I think he is quite good for this position. If anyone else are still interested, I would like to encourage you to try, only one more resume I will forward. Good luck! Tiger2006点击展开...第一次见识到八级英语的水平是什么样子
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately第一次见识到八级英语的水平是什么样子点击展开...

[FONT=仿宋_GB2312]末世必有危险的日子来到;因为那时人要专顾自己,贪爱钱财,自夸,狂傲,谤[FONT=仿宋_GB2312]渎[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312],违背父母,忘恩负义,心不圣洁;无亲情,不解怨,好说才言,不能自约,性情凶暴,不爱良善;卖主卖友,任意妄为,自高自大,爱宴乐不爱神;有敬虔的外貌,却背了敬虔的实意。[/FONT][/FONT]回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately楼房一搭起来,往往到后面偏离了发帖人的本意,呵呵, 这也是家园的特色。以后俺还是少发帖为妙,要不有些帖子看着还是挺闹心的。这次就转发了一个兄弟的简历,其他的弟兄有兴趣的,这此只好说对不起咯。完毕。
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately就是那种敲门销售人员?
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately各位兄弟姐妹,本人收到了数份发过来的简历,鉴于本人事先说过只转发2份简历给那个朋友,出于公平的原则,只能转发最早的两位朋友的简历了,对其他的朋友,只能说抱歉,祝愿你们早日找到更好的机会。也请后面的朋友不要再给我发简历了。另外,出于对个人隐私的尊重,从第三封邮件开始,本人都是直接删除,没有存档您的简历和任何个人信息,请无虑。多谢各位!
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately没见过这么真诚的"骗子", 帮顶了! 可能你们经历过一些不愉快的事情, 但如果这样就把所有的同胞都看着是骗子, 那还有谁愿意在园子里提供这样的信息帮助到大家呢?
回复: JOB opportunity in Rogers as Territory Sales Reb - Chinese and English - Immediately好消息总是忍不住想跟大家分享!俺推荐过去的两位同胞都很棒,一个在KITCHENER的,HR的认为非常好,不过这个弟兄在KITCHENER定居了,不能搬地方,所以只能等下一次正好在这里招人的时候录取。另外一个多伦多的女士,有非常棒的行业经验,已经通过第一次电话面试,让我们一起祝愿她在第二次的面试中获得成功!!!我们华人移民藏龙卧虎者众多,缺少的只是机会而已,只要互相多帮助,也多认识老外朋友,情况总会好很多的。再次衷心的祝愿在加拿大奋斗的中国同胞都有好运气。俺还有大半年的书要念,大把的证书要考,也祝愿俺自己有好运气,呵呵。。。
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