加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息好听的<<hands up>>


今天看电视的一个楼房广告,音乐背景是一首很好听英语老歌.我马上到BING 找,哇竟然是1980年的[ame="http://www.no video.com/watch?v=Z5Bu1ANTVGA"]OTTAWAN乐队的[/ame]http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8az7v_ottawan-hands-up_music:wdb19:

回复: 好听的<<hands up>>刚刚不知怎么的连了D.I.S.C.O?应该是这个吧.http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8az7v_ottawan-hands-up_music

回复: 好听的<<hands up>>网上有介绍他们的资料,但在图书馆找不到他们的专辑.Despite its Canadian-sounding name, the disco duet Ottawan, comprised of two Caribbean-born singers Jean Patrick (born on April 6, 1954) and Annette (born on November 1, 1958), was a brainchild of the French producer team Daniel Vangarde and Jean Kluger. Vangarde who also worked with Dalida, the Gibson Brothers and Sheila & B. Devotion discovered Jean Patrick in one of the Parisian clubs where the latter performed with his band Black Underground. The producers decided to change the name of the band, reportedly they came up with the idea of the present name on their way back from Canada. Ottawan's catchy debut single "D.I.S.C.O" was a massive dance hit around Europe in 1980 and even made it to number two in Great Britain, staying in the charts for 18 weeks. 1981's "Hands Up" was almost as successful, reaching number three in the UK and logging on the charts for 15 weeks. Shortly thereafter Jean Patrick quit the band and organized a new duo, Pam 'n Pat, with whom he scored another European dance hit, "To Be Superman" in 1982. In recent years, Patrick re-organized Ottawan and toured Europe with his new partner, Tamara. ~ Yuri German, Rovi

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