加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 人还没到多,诈骗信收到2封了!
因为准备买房,近来只是跟多伦多的房产经纪有邮件往来。结果hotmail的邮箱已经陆续收到2封诈骗邮件了,一封是以TD银行名义发的,另一封是Vonage Canada名义发的。首先我跟TD没有任何往来,所以知道是假的,另外这个不知道是什么公司。邮件内容是This e-mail has been sent to you by Vonage Canada to inform you that we were unable to verify your account details. This might be due to either of the following reasons: 1. A recent change in your personal information. (eg: address, phone)2. Submitting incorrect information during register process.Due to this, to ensure that your online service is not interrupted, we request you to confirm your information today by following the link below: (下面是一个链接,我可不敢点。)提醒大家提高警惕,不要上当或者误点了。
回复: 人还没到多,诈骗信收到2封了!骗子真是无处不在还好,我们是久经考验
Plan your work, work your plan.回复: 人还没到多,诈骗信收到2封了!真是要处处小心呀!
专职地产经纪,买卖房屋请联系 。微信:Peter492925281 电话: 647-708-5857多伦多好学区购房:http://forum.iask.ca/threads/多伦多好学区购房记.464699/page-13#post-11598378回复: 人还没到多,诈骗信收到2封了!说明你的经纪有问题,求曝光!
回复: 人还没到多,诈骗信收到2封了!银行的电子邮件是假的。一般是身份诈骗。
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