回复: SEMI和Townhouse Corner Unit那个性价比好?我觉得买房子不是买电脑,这个牌子贵了可以买另一家便宜的,房子是不可再生资源,买一块地就少一块地,性价比这个词不适用于房产。
回复: SEMI和Townhouse Corner Unit那个性价比好?从房子外型看,这二者似乎相似,其实内容上还是有区别的。小区环境和人口密度不同,前后院大小的不同,有没管理费的不同等。相对应的就是生活方式的不同,就在于你看重什么。
回复: SEMI和Townhouse Corner Unit那个性价比好?能买大豪宅就不买独立的,能买独立的就不买SEMI的,能买SEMI的就不买TH,能买TH就不买小CONDO,( CONDO的顶层PENTHOUSE除外, 它算豪宅)能买CONDO就不买APT, 能买就不租, 能租就不要睡马路,睡马路不如申请政府屋!
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]能买大豪宅就不买独立的,能买独立的就不买SEMI的,能买SEMI的就不买TH,能买TH就不买小CONDO,( CONDO的顶层PENTHOUSE除外, 它算豪宅)能买CONDO就不买APT, 能买就不租, 能租就不要睡马路,睡马路不如申请政府屋!点击展开...LPH算豪宅吗?
回复: SEMI和Townhouse Corner Unit那个性价比好?LPH算豪宅吗?点击展开...嘿嘿,多伦多最贵的是CONDO 顶层豪宅, $2500万, HOUSE最贵的在马蹄径, 才$1500万,
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
回复: SEMI和Townhouse Corner Unit那个性价比好?有次看到Markham的一个condo 2+1的PH,100w+,物业费1500左右/月,真是给力啊
回复: SEMI和Townhouse Corner Unit那个性价比好?CONDO的顶层PENTHOUSE除外, 它算豪宅)点击展开...PH据说计算地税也比别层贵10%,可是有些售价和评估价的溢价比一般楼层要差很多。那还算是豪宅么?貌似只有地理位置绝佳的PH才是豪宅吧,
The most expensive home listed in Toronto...$26.8 million!嘿嘿,多伦多最贵的是CONDO 顶层豪宅, $2500万, HOUSE最贵的在马蹄径, 才$1500万,点击展开...
The most expensive home listed in Toronto...$26.8 million! 
Kiyoko Fujimura Buzzbuzzhome Corp.January 11, 2011The Bridle Path-- I guess if you live there then you know that you've made it. But if you want to REALLY feel like you've made it consider buying this home. It's 40,000 square feet and priced at $26.8 million. And it's at 9 High Point Rd.The thing about this property, is that most people only own one lot in the Bridle Path. This home is set on a DOUBLE lot. The first lot contains the living quarters (22,935 square feet) and the second lot houses your very own 17,645 square foot sports complex. The sports complex includes an indoor tennis court, a bowling alley and, of course, an indoor pool.

Worried about getting back and forth between the two lots? Don't despair, there's a tunnel linking the two with an indoor putting green to pass the time on the way. The home also includes a total of 13 bathrooms.

The main home has 19' ceilings including a 46' ceiling in the arboretum. There's also parking for eight cars.

If you've ever wanted to host the swankiest party in town-- this would be the place to buy. Warren Buffett, composer David Foster, Lionel Richie and Muhammed Ali have all dined at the home.

And, if you're worried about the variable costs of managing such a property, Moneyville has the scoop:No word on what it costs to heat the place. But think about this: Property taxes alone are $115,341. That works out to $316 per day. And don't forget to tip the gardener.Holyyyyyy cow. That's a lot of property tax.

I feel good bein' on my own......能买大豪宅就不买独立的,能买独立的就不买SEMI的,能买SEMI的就不买TH,能买TH就不买小CONDO,( CONDO的顶层PENTHOUSE除外, 它算豪宅)能买CONDO就不买APT, 能买就不租, 能租就不要睡马路,睡马路不如申请政府屋!点击展开...学习~~
回复: The most expensive home listed in Toronto...$26.8 million!The most expensive home listed in Toronto...$26.8 million! 
Kiyoko Fujimura Buzzbuzzhome Corp.January 11, 2011 The Bridle Path-- I guess if you live there then you know that you've made it. But if you want to REALLY feel like you've made it consider buying this home. It's 40,000 square feet and priced at $26.8 million. And it's at 9 High Point Rd. The thing about this property, is that most people only own one lot in the Bridle Path. This home is set on a DOUBLE lot. The first lot contains the living quarters (22,935 square feet) and the second lot houses your very own 17,645 square foot sports complex. The sports complex includes an indoor tennis court, a bowling alley and, of course, an indoor pool.

Worried about getting back and forth between the two lots? Don't despair, there's a tunnel linking the two with an indoor putting green to pass the time on the way. The home also includes a total of 13 bathrooms.

The main home has 19' ceilings including a 46' ceiling in the arboretum. There's also parking for eight cars.

If you've ever wanted to host the swankiest party in town-- this would be the place to buy. Warren Buffett, composer David Foster, Lionel Richie and Muhammed Ali have all dined at the home.

And, if you're worried about the variable costs of managing such a property, Moneyville has the scoop:No word on what it costs to heat the place. But think about this: Property taxes alone are $115,341. That works out to $316 per day. And don't forget to tip the gardener.Holyyyyyy cow. That's a lot of property tax.

点击展开... omg, 俺错了, `这房价涨得也太猛了, 可能是刚翻建好的, 俺下次去实地看看.
生活百科 疯狂地决定太阳能!·
生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?