加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!


住的是公寓,隔音很差,旁边的西人每晚深夜时都把电视机音量开得很大, 想给他门缝塞张纸条提醒他,但是本人英文表达不好,请英文好的TX帮个忙,大概内容如下: “周一至周五晚上10点半以后,请你把电视机音量调低一些” 只要写得礼貌些就行,谢谢各位!

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!Please turn down the voice of your television after 10:30pm from Monday to Friday! Thanks very much! Your neighbor.

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!I would really appreciate it if you could turn down the volumn of your television after 10:30 pm on weekdays. Your neighbour

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!Please shut up your TV after 10:30PM because it's too louder to shake our beds, Thanks for the cooperation! All Neighbours.

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!Hello, Room 老外的房间号;The insulation of this apartment is not good, so could you please lower the volume of your TV after 10:30pm? As it is too noisy for me. Thank you. Your neighbour , Room 你的房间号

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!Please shut up your TV after 10:30PM because it's too louder to shake our beds, Thanks for the cooperation! All Neighbours. 点击展开...嗯,BH

09年9.25长登密西沙加。有没有坐船去加拿大的?坐飞机太累,而且咱不赶时间http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=8750770主管到我桌前问are you willing to work with us?我说surehttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=633658I would really appreciate it if you could turn down the volumn of your television after 10:30 pm on weekdays. Your neighbour点击展开...

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!住的是公寓,隔音很差,旁边的西人每晚深夜时都把电视机音量开得很大, 想给他门缝塞张纸条提醒他,但是本人英文表达不好,请英文好的TX帮个忙,大概内容如下: “周一至周五晚上10点半以后,请你把电视机音量调低一些” 只要写得礼貌些就行,谢谢各位!点击展开...直接报警。怎么还写信呢。千万别写信,这是加拿大,可别拿中国的习惯办事啊。你不要亲自去跟邻居dealing。直接打911,告诉你家地址,邻居的门牌号码,以及他们多少天,每晚持续时间,音量多大有多影响你等细节,这是警察管的事,而且要在他们家半夜开电视机的时候打,这样警察来了自然会酌情警告他。假如你住的是好的管理公司,可以报给security,无需说出你家的门牌号码,当然,讲了也无所谓,加拿警察不会挑逗群众斗群众的,呵呵。这是规矩。

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!Hello, Room 老外的房间号; The insulation of this apartment is not good, so could you please lower the volume of your TV after 10:30pm? As it is too noisy for me. Thank you. Your neighbour , Room 你的房间号点击展开... 你们还真以为用个文皱皱的英文条就能打动那些低素质的住APT的难民呀.英语里Too,,,,To的用法照样是"太,,,而引起,,,,"的意思, LS的别相信死板的语法, 北美人口语里常这样用的, 俺的话就是骂他们的意思, SHUT UP就要他们闭嘴关电视, 或他们懂就关的很小, , 别跟这些人客气, 俺要是LZ直接敲门去说, 英语不好就要敢讲, 这种练英语的机会岂能错过, 不行就告管理处, 再不行就报警.

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!去敲门,礼貌提醒他的电视太响了。看他听不听再说下面的。楼上几位帮助写便条的,都犯了一个共同错误: turn down your TV 就好了,voice of or volume of 都是chiglish.

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!大家的英文都这么好

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!应该直接找公寓的super或者报警

内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google​去敲门,礼貌提醒他的电视太响了。看他听不听再说下面的。楼上几位帮助写便条的,都犯了一个共同错误: turn down your TV 就好了,voice of or volume of 都是chiglish.点击展开...--------------------------------------------------------------Definitions of turn down on the Web:refuse: refuse to accept; "He refused my offer of hospitality"reject: refuse entrance or membership; "They turned away hundreds of fans"; "Black people were often rejected by country clubs"reject: reject with contempt; "She spurned his advances"take a downward direction; "The economy finally turned down after a long boom"make lower or quieter; "turn down the volume of a radio"

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!--------------------------------------------------------------Definitions of turn down on the Web:refuse: refuse to accept; "He refused my offer of hospitality"reject: refuse entrance or membership; "They turned away hundreds of fans"; "Black people were often rejected by country clubs"reject: reject with contempt; "She spurned his advances"take a downward direction; "The economy finally turned down after a long boom"make lower or quieter; "turn down the volume of a radio"点击展开...that is really good looking up a word. but, you have to find a dictionary instead of a web, I'm sorry, but web is full of bullshit. ok, there, if you have a dictionary, look up "turn down", one of the explaination is " reduce volume of " . So, why you have to repeat the word volume? the sentence" turn down the volume of a tv" isn't wrong, english speaker just don't speak that way. They don't state obvious. For example, the word "fall", ususally, they won't say fall down, according the gravity, fall must be down, so, a tree fell, I fell on my ass, I fell off my bed, he fell in water, and so on. I do not quite get the explaination " reject with contempt", reject,yes, but ,why contempt? "turn down" has nothing to do with contempt. Well, I don't know what web you are in. but, believe me, time for you go back a tradional way -- a dictionary. No matter you believe or not, if you talk that way, you are telling people your english is not nature .

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!that is really good looking up a word. but, you have to find a dictionary instead of a web, I'm sorry, but web is full of bullshit. ok, there, if you have a dictionary, look up "turn down", one of the explaination is " reduce volume of " . So, why you have to repeat the word volume? the sentence" turn down the volume of a tv" isn't wrong, english speaker just don't speak that way. They don't state obvious. For example, the word "fall", ususally, they won't say fall down, according the gravity, fall must be down, so, a tree fell, I fell on my ass, I fell off my bed, he fell in water, and so on. I do not quite get the explaination " reject with contempt", reject,yes, but ,why contempt? "turn down" has nothing to do with contempt. Well, I don't know what web you are in. but, believe me, time for you go back a tradional way -- a dictionary. No matter you believe or not, if you talk that way, you are telling people your english is not nature .点击展开... 不知道你为什么情绪这么激动,跟人说话毫不客气。看来平时受气不少,在网络上需求一种宣泄。 首先,就你这一篇对话里,语法错误也不少。(自己有空看看。我懒得免费给人改语法了)。 不懂你为什么认为网络上的语言不值得参考。现在很多的专业研究都在研究网络语言。实际上不少学校也有网络作为语言资源的项目。另外,我们自己做的一些东西,不少单词在纸质的字典上是找不到的。很简单,一本纸的字典要花相当一段时间引出来。而网络的优点就是一些很新的术语很快就出来。 冒充专业是很不道德的。先把你的这些语法错误打扫干净再攻击别人。

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!请教各位一下,这里,16 楼,他用的you are telling people your english is not nature .我感觉他的意思是说,你在告诉别人你的英语不是母语。。。可能大概是这个意思吧。。 如果我跟老外说,英语不是我的母语,我总是用,English is not my first language/English is my second language , or English is not my mother language. 当然还有别的说法,说成native language 等等。 好像从没听说英语不是母语用:your english is not nature.感觉用Nature 好像就是中文式的英语,意思是说,英语不是天生的。中文上讲得通,但是好像英文我从没听周围的人,我说的包括加拿大本地出生的人,还有国际留学生等等。。。这么个表示法。我就孤陋寡闻了,不知道有没有这样的说法,请教大家。学习了。

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!不知道你为什么情绪这么激动,跟人说话毫不客气。看来平时受气不少,在网络上需求一种宣泄。 首先,就你这一篇对话里,语法错误也不少。(自己有空看看。我懒得免费给人改语法了)。 不懂你为什么认为网络上的语言不值得参考。现在很多的专业研究都在研究网络语言。实际上不少学校也有网络作为语言资源的项目。另外,我们自己做的一些东西,不少单词在纸质的字典上是找不到的。很简单,一本纸的字典要花相当一段时间引出来。而网络的优点就是一些很新的术语很快就出来。 冒充专业是很不道德的。先把你的这些语法错误打扫干净再攻击别人。点击展开...OH, MY GOD, HOLY CRAP. 我的语气是惊愕的,表情是厌恶的。特此说明。你从那一句看出来我情绪激动的?我哪一个字是有语气色彩的?要不你有超能力,通过网线看见了我激动的脸?问题是我那电脑上也没摄像头啊?你怎么看见的。还是你自己心理阴暗,所以看什么都是阴暗的。我花那么些时候,真的去翻了字典,还举例说明其他典型词的用法,你看到的就是攻击,还有冒充专业?而且我还不是在引用你,你上窜下跳的为的什么。专业?谁在说专业?turn down是个专业词汇么?说明一下turn down volume (顺便说一句,你连这个字都拼错了) 不是英文的通常用法,这是专业?我就是知道,不用冒充,你倒是想冒充,还冒充错了,这样是不是显得你很道德啊?一般满口道德的人最缺德。当然了,随便你,你要接着说turn down volume, go ahead, being an idiot all you want. 明明看见正在学英文的人说的不对,一言不发或者说点什么,到底哪一个才是在帮助人。最后一句:对于一个初学英文的人,基础词汇,你需要一本字典。这位已经上升到专业白痴程度的就不用了。

回复: 请英文好的TX帮个忙,谢谢!大家的英文都这么好点击展开...什么turn down,都是中式英文。别人恐怕听不懂。

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