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回复: 请问, 转基因食品在超市中比例大不大???Any time you eat non-organic food, there is a 70 percent chance you are ingesting genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Modern genetic modification is different from historical alterations?such as plant breeding?because today, genes are transferred from one species to another. For instance, when you eat GM food, there is a good chance it has been injected with genes from the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)―hence Bt Corn.Are these GM foods a path to end world hunger and ensure a robust harvest in the face of possible harsh future climates? Or, is it a way for corporations to gain global control over agriculture for profit, releasing organisms that have unknown effects on the environment and human health?According to the USDA, in 1996, less than 5 percent of soy products were genetically modified. Within 12 years, that amount increased to 90 percent. These have been in our foods for over a decade and as far as we can tell, nothing has really gone wrong. Is that why most Americans are not hearing about GMOs?A 2006 survey by The Pew Charitable Trust revealed that 58 percent of Americans had heard “not much” or “nothing” about genetically modified foods. 46 percent of Americans oppose the introduction of GM foods to the U.S. food supply. While probably 100 percent of those surveyed had eaten GMOs, only 26 percent thought they had.In 2001, 75 percent said it is important for them to know whether a product contains genetically modified ingredients, and that further scientific research is needed. Despite these public concerns, the FDA did not think it was necessary to label GM foods. Could this be because companies that benefit from GM food production spend millions of dollars lobbying the FDA?Putting that thought aside, let us suppose the government has our best interests in mind and has done the studies showing GMOs are worth the risk. So, now what is the advantage of putting bacteria genes in our foods? Bt crops kill insects that eat the crops, reducing the amount of pesticides that need to be applied to crops. Decreasing the amount of pesticides applied to crops is beneficial on many fronts.GM advocates say biotechnology increases crop yields, and develops more nutritious plants. Thus, they claim this will provide more nutritious food for those who are hungry. They say another benefit is that more land can be preserved since less cropland needs to be used.However, many argue that people are hungry not for lack of food, but because they do not have the money to buy food. It is a question of politics and distribution rather than quantity. It remains to be seen if biotechnology will increase yields and decrease costs to make any significant impact on world hunger.While no short term negative health effects have been documented, according to the American Medical Association (AMA) long-term negative health effects are “theoretically possible.”Environmental consequences are also undetermined. It is not known what effect GMO crops have on non-pest insects and animals. Studies have shown mixed results. Some have found that GM plants decrease fertility or increase mortality of some insects, and other studies indicate no negative effects. If insect populations do decline from GM crops, this could decrease the food supply for birds and other wildlife.The AMA says: “New technology currently being developed to introduce pharmaceuticals into plants via virus-based vector systems will further raise concerns.” For instance, these pharma-crops could contaminate non-GM crops, or the seeds could be mixed. In the extreme case, this could leave us only with foods that have some sort of pharmaceutical in them. In the same sense, GM plants with fitness-enhancing transgenes could pollinate weeds, making invasive weeds more prolific and more difficult to destroy.Currently there is no real threat of GM crops decreasing plant biodiversity. However, if a gene were introduced to increase the plants’ wild competitive ability, there might be a potential to disrupt natural ecosystems.The fact is, not enough studies have been conducted to determine if these crops are safe or not. The AMA says: “Substantial information about (GMOs) actual effects on the environment and on biological diversity is lacking. As a consequence there is no consensus as to the seriousness, or even the existence, of any potential environmental harm from GM technology.” But don’t tell that to Monsanto, they would rather take the chances of complete destruction of our food-supply over any chance of losing out on profit.Have you heard of Dr. Árpád Pusztai? He is one of the main reasons Europe banned import and cultivation of GM crops. In 1998 he purportedly found that rats fed GM potatoes had immune problems and did not grow as well as those fed non-GM potatoes. Some scientists questioned the accuracy of his experiments, yet some say he was ultimately suspended due to pressures from the UK government.Is this why there is little research on the possible dangers of GMOs? Are scientists scared they will be derided by corporations and those in power? Only time will tell what benefits or detriments GMOs will have, but do we really want to wait and see?

回复: 请问, 转基因食品在超市中比例大不大???到这里如果不食有机,等于花了钱,考了试,全家移民上门做小白鼠。

回复: 请问, 转基因食品在超市中比例大不大???99%


内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 请问, 转基因食品在超市中比例大不大???我有朋友是在联邦农业科学研究所任职的科学家,专业是生物基因工程。他本人只是不吃任何腌制食品,因为致癌。至于其他什么转不转基因的,人家根本不care。问他关于转基因食品的事情,他回答“本来所有我们吃的东西,就没有什么不是转基因的。” 因为所有的野生作物原先都不是我们看到的这个样子,都是经过了转基因的。只不过近些年来转基因这个概念被提到台面上来了而已。 所以,且吃且活着吧,操那个心太累。

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 请问, 转基因食品在超市中比例大不大???用生物工程转基因和以前杂交的影响是不同的。

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake用生物工程转基因和以前杂交的影响是不同的。点击展开...我想那个搞生物基因工程的研究员懂这行的。 ANYWAY, 各人的生活态度不同而已。

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 请问, 转基因食品在超市中比例大不大???那个搞有铅汽油的专家可是坚信它是无害的。

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 请问, 转基因食品在超市中比例大不大???一个人人都必须成为多面专家才可以好好存活的世界,本身就是有毒的。 有些事情早已注定。早想通早轻松。

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