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前几天刚刚搬到North York, 房东温度只开到18度,我的房间似乎比厅里还要冷些,预计16-17,跟房东提过意见,多伦多规定最低21度,但房东说让我多盖被子,或者受不了可以搬,我考虑已经交了钱而且搬家很麻烦,就又忍了两天,但每天在房间里会冻手冻脚的感觉,早上起来被子角落也是冰的,于是又在附近找了房,跟房东说要搬,我也会支付这几天的房租。但是房东拒绝退钱,虽然我只住了四天,但他说已经过太久了,要我住到月底,如果他找到下月份的房客再退我下月前,找不到的话要我住到下月底。我要求并不多,只是希望能有最低的生活保障,请问我要用法律武器维护自己的权益吗?
回复: 求教租房问题Toronto rental apartment heat by-lawToronto Municipal CodeChapter 497 - Article IHeatingRented Accommodations(Adopted 2000-08-03 by By-law No. 499-2000)497-2. Minimum temperature.A landlord shall provide heat to a dwelling unit that is rented or leased and that is normally heated at the landlord's expense so that a minimum air temperature of 21 degrees Celsius is maintained in all areas of the dwelling unit from the 15th day of September in each year to the 1st day of June in the following year.497-4. OffencesAny person who contravenes any provision of this article is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine or penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act.
回复: 求教租房问题Toronto rental apartment heat by-lawToronto Municipal CodeChapter 497 - Article IHeatingRented Accommodations(Adopted 2000-08-03 by By-law No. 499-2000)497-2. Minimum temperature.A landlord shall provide heat to a dwelling unit that is rented or leased and that is normally heated at the landlord's expense so that a minimum air temperature of 21 degrees Celsius is maintained in all areas of the dwelling unit from the 15th day of September in each year to the 1st day of June in the following year.497-4. OffencesAny person who contravenes any provision of this article is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine or penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act.点击展开...如果可以的话我还是希望能私下调解,不愿外国人看我们中国人的争斗,不过房东现在态度强硬
回复: 求教租房问题前几天刚刚搬到North York, 房东温度只开到18度,我的房间似乎比厅里还要冷些,预计16-17,跟房东提过意见,多伦多规定最低21度,但房东说让我多盖被子,或者受不了可以搬,我考虑已经交了钱而且搬家很麻烦,就又忍了两天,但每天在房间里会冻手冻脚的感觉,早上起来被子角落也是冰的,于是又在附近找了房,跟房东说要搬,我也会支付这几天的房租。但是房东拒绝退钱,虽然我只住了四天,但他说已经过太久了,要我住到月底,如果他找到下月份的房客再退我下月前,找不到的话要我住到下月底。我要求并不多,只是希望能有最低的生活保障,请问我要用法律武器维护自己的权益吗?点击展开...好像不是独厨独卫,是不受租客法保护的呢。但是还是可以请他调高温度或者退钱呢,尽可能好好商量呢。 实在商量不通的房东应该也不会给你合同和收据吧?若是如此,心平气和地请他给合同和收据呢,若他不愿意,说明他这部分收入不准备报税,你倒可以告诉他你准备去税务局抗议抗议呢。
越洋大迁徙长登多伦多,诸多事项办理顺序及地址痛下决心考驾照,G2/G笔记…………爱里没有惧怕。爱既完全、就把惧怕除去…………回复: 求教租房问题对同胞怎么能这样呢?实在是想不通哦。
回复: 求教租房问题找证人证明温度,然后写挂号信给他,拒绝交房租
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 求教租房问题不要找有房东的房子,还是租公寓好一些,自由!我以前也遇到类似你这种情况,不是屋里温度的问题而是房东整天大喊大叫的一点也不在乎房客的感受!
阳光人生,阳光世界,阳光未来!回复: 求教租房问题搬apt和condo好了。暖和的很。
回复: 求教租房问题找证人证明温度,然后写挂号信给他,拒绝交房租点击展开...好方法,权利必须争取。
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