加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息开车去美国可以带干货吗?
请问从水牛城过关去美国可以带瑶柱、虾皮吗?还想带肉包子,China town Dundas街的金牛城超市的肉包子太好吃了,肉馅是人工剁的。
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?NO
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?谢谢楼上的。想给你加声望,但怎么你没有那个可以点击的图标啊?奇怪。
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?要是你自信不会被查车,那么就可以带,不过万一被查就麻烦了
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?我还是决定带鼎泰超市买的瑶柱、虾米、莲子、白木耳、黑木耳、干香菇、干白菜、江西米粉和罐装金苹果牌的梅干素扣肉(太好吃了,顺便推荐一下)。好像只要不是新鲜的蔬菜水果、鲜肉、活的家禽,其它只要是自己吃的可以带些,特别是蔬菜干货和罐装食品,我确认。Tips on Bringing Food Items into the U.S.(12/19/2006)Many travelers look forward to bringing home special food items from abroad. However, it is important to “know before you go” what items can and can’t be brought into the United States from abroad. Failure to declare food products can result in a minimum of $250.00 fine! Here are some tips:Every fruit or vegetable must be declared to a CBP officer and must be presented for inspectionno matter how free of pests it appears to be. Many are prohibited, and some require an import permit. Fruits and vegetables grown in Canada are generally admissible, if they have labels identifying them as products of Canada. (Potatoes from western regions of Canada are currently restricted because of a disease outbreak.)Meats, livestock, poultry, and their products are either prohibited or restricted from entering the United States, depending on the animal disease condition in the country of origin. Fresh meat is prohibited from most countries. Canned, cured, or dried meat is restricted from some countries. A permit is required for frozen, cooked, canned or otherwise processed beef, lamb, and veal from Canada.Bakery items, candy, chocolate, and cured cheese are generally admissible.Canned goods and goods in vacuum packed jars, other than those containing meat or poultry products, are generally admissible if being imported for personal use.Dairy items such as milk, yogurt, and butter are regulated but generally admissible, although this is subject to change, depending on disease outbreaks.Uncooked eggs in most cases will be denied entry because of frequent outbreaks of Exotic Newcastle’s Disease and the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.Hardboiled eggs are generally admissible.Hard-cured cheeses such as Parmesan or cheddar are generally admissible, but soft cheeses such as Brie and soft curd cheese and cheese in water (ricotta, feta, etc.) are regulated.Fish, if it is for personal use, is generally admissible.Condiments such as oil, vinegar, mustard, catsup, pickles, syrup, honey (without the honeycomb), jelly, jam, etc., are generally admissible.Pork and pork products are not admissible from most countries.
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?刚刚开车往返边境,进出境都没有问及此问题。不鼓励LZ去尝试,因为啥都有可能发生。
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?很奇怪,美国这些东西都比这边便宜的,干嘛往那边带?
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?现在美国海关人员抽风,还是小心点好。。
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?多谢提醒。最近是抽风,看到这篇新闻至今不知什么原因不让入境。http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/2011/0515/71211.html会不会是那张白色的小卡片超过半年没交上去?
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?刚刚开车往返边境,进出境都没有问及此问题。不鼓励LZ去尝试,因为啥都有可能发生。点击展开...谢谢!
回复: 开车去美国可以带干货吗?很奇怪,美国这些东西都比这边便宜的,干嘛往那边带?点击展开...谢谢!请问云中鹤知不知道波士顿有没有这些中国的特产卖?
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