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经常浏览家园网的信息。分享我的knowledge test经历。准备:1。从shoppers drugmart 买了一本The Official MTO Driver's Handbook,$14.95.有机会就看看,一个月才看完,感觉还不错。 一来学习英文,二来全面了解交通相关信息,规则,知识。2。从网上搜了5套题,做了两遍。website:www.apnatoronto.com/ontario-g1-test考试: 因为对别的地方不是很熟悉,去了Downtown 777 Bay 的考点。跟工作人员说我想考英文机考,工作人员很吃惊,说没有机考,只有笔试。我当然更吃惊了。在家做网上模拟习惯了,以为有机考呢。考试20道规则,20道标识题。很快做完了,没什么可检查的。大部分都是网上的模拟题库里的。但有些题的表述不同。for example,the sign which has the number 50 and an arrow on the top, in the sample test, the answer is --speed limit changes ahead. However in the real test. There are two similar answers, one is that the maximum speed is 50 between this sign and the next sign; the other answer is that the maximum speed is 50 from this sign ahead.I chose the latter one.结果:因为觉得有那么几处不是百分百的确定,等待结果时略有不安。很快,结果下来了, ,工作人员给了我资料and Temporary Driver's Licence。出门坐下仔细看。 oh,my god, Rules 20/20; Signs 20/20.Hooray!Comments: It is not as hard as we imagined to write the knowledge test in English. When discussing with one of the friends, we all agree that it is easier to write the knowledge test in English than in Chinese. Everything is explained quite clear in English.
回复: 今天考的驾照笔试英文版谢谢分享!
回复: 今天考的驾照笔试英文版我也一直想考,就是很懒,书买回来也没翻。谢谢楼主分享~.~
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