加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息房贷的最新动态,
这个帖子, 即日起,五年期浮动利率提高TD和RBC今天内部邮件确认从明天起,5年期浮动利率将会提高20个百分点,就是原来能够做到的P-0.8% 或者P-0.85%等利率将改为最低P-0.6%到P-0.65%,具体消息将会今天稍后或者明天宣布,如果你有兴趣近期内买房或者换房贷,今天马上去跟你的银行谈,明天起将会非常困难。至于以后浮动利率的走势,以待观望背景,5大银行高层近期就房贷利率的意见和讲话Canadian Banking Executives Warn Of Continued Margin Pressure, Lower Spreads, Lower GrowthStatements from Canadian banking executives illustrate the situation, during Q2 2011 earnings conference calls.Toronto-Dominion Bank / TD Bank :Ed Clark (Group President & CEO) summarized the banking situation: ” if you look at the other banks as well as ourselves, there is some margin pressure coming on here as I think people respond to the slower growth to try to get the assets in different ways”. “in Canada” “growth rates, particularly in the personal lending, secured lending, the mortgage business has slowed down”. “there is some slowing down in the retail banking space in Canada, and there is margin pressure”.Colleen Johnston (CFO & Group Head, Finance) warned of impact to Q3: “Slower volume growth and continued margin pressure in personal banking is expected to result in a moderation in the earnings growth rate in Q3″.Timothy Hockey (Group Head, Canadian Banking & Insurance) reiterated the general trend that is expected to continue: “the theme of the day and the theme of the reporting season seems to be that margins are more under pressure than probably the Street expected, and we’re seeing that day to day in fighting over the growth opportunities in Canada”. “There is aggressive pricing going on in the marketplace”. “I think it’ll continue to be quite competitive because we do like to win, all of us. And as a result, we’ll continue to compete for the Canadian consumer. And so, I think that’s what will continue to put the pressure on the margins over the next few quarters”.Royal Bank of Canada / RBC :Gordon Nixon (President & CEO) warns of the low margins, and its heavy dependence on the mortgage market: “I think a lot will depend” “on what happens with respect to the mortgage market and because that’s where you’re seeing some pretty unusual activity and is probably having the biggest pressure on margins”. “some of the activity we’ve seen in the mortgage market almost imply a very low margins to say the least”.David McKay (Group Head, Canadian Banking) mentions the competitive pricing tactics. Although they experienced margin expansion rather than decline (did not use pricing tactics), their warnings were consistent with the other banks: “the value destroying pricing tactics that are in the market place right now”. “the environment in the consumer lending side that is very competitive and you are seeing compressing margins there”. “It’s a challenging environment. Our goal is to manage towards flat margins but you may see a slight decline. I think that’s a pretty consistent theme out there. There is some very aggressive pricing on the consumer lining side in the marketplace right now”.Bank of Montreal / BMO :Frank Techar (President & CEO, Personal & Commercial Banking Canada) mentions that lower margins were expected from competitive pressures: “in the last couple of quarters, we were really expecting to see some softening in margins”. “the competitive pressure is heating up a bit more than we would have expected. And we’re seeing that probably play out the most on the commercial business. And my expectation is, going forward, we will continue to see that”.Tom Flynn (EVP & CFO) comments on lower spreads in loans: “[Quarter-over-quarter] lower net interest margin in P&C Canada due to continued low interest rates in a competitive environment and to changing mix”. “[Year-over-year] Net interest margin decreased 7 basis points due to continued low interest rates, in a competitive environment, resulting in lower mortgage, commercial loan and term deposits spreads. Margin decline was also attributable to the impact of unfavorable product mix”.Bank of Nova Scotia / Scotiabank :Rick Waugh (President & CEO) describes margins in the current environment: “In Canadian banking, margin compression from a highly competitive environment”.Anatol Von Hahn (Group Head, Canadian Banking) expects the trend to continue: “[Concerning] retail asset growth, we have seen some moderating of consumer demand and intensifying competition in the first two quarters of 2011, and we expect this environment to persist for the remainder of the year. The effects of an increasingly competitive market as well as consumer preferences for lower yield, variable rate loans has put pressure on our margin and we expect this pressure to be sustained for the rest of fiscal 2011 as well”.Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce / CIBC :Kevin Glass (SEVP & CFO) expects margin pressure to continue: “more competitive pricing in mortgages and lending. We expect that near-term margins will continue to be pressured by competitive rates”. National Bank of Canada / NBC :Louis Vachon (President & CEO) mentions the competition is widespread but a large portion among the larger institutions: “[the competition is] wide spread, concentrated maybe in three or four players”.Jean Dagenais (SVP, Finance, Taxation, Investor Relations) points to competitive pressures and lower spreads: “overall margins were at 2.33%, down 7 basis points sequentially, due in large part to competitive pressure and lower spreads”.后面评论的太牛了, 直接说p要-0.25, 就是说央行要降息, 但还要减少总贷款量, 银行把差价都赚了,
回复: 房贷的最新动态,后面评论的太牛了, 直接说p要-0.25, 就是说央行要降息, 但还要减少总贷款量, 银行把差价都赚了, 点击展开...就是因为央行要下调p,所以各大银行才会把5 years variable的折扣下调,等于贷款利率没有变。 对已经签了variable贷款合同的人来说,是好事,p下调了,贷款利率更低了。 对去签了fix的人来说,没什么实际影响,但心里肯定不舒服,别人的贷款利率低,自己的比起来就显得高了。 比较吃亏的是马上要签variable的,原来p-0.9的现在成了p-0.7,当然就吃亏了,即使央行把p降0。2下来,实际利率等于也和原来一样,没有沾上光。
回复: 房贷的最新动态,屁民总是不如资本家精明
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 房贷的最新动态,Bad news!!
回复: 房贷的最新动态,再请教下银行内部人士,如果我的预批是几天前申请的,银行会不会故意拖延等到利率上升再跟我说原来说好的利率已经不能批下来了?在利率上升的前一两天,会有pre-approval不让做的情况吗?我的银行贷款经理跟我这么说的,说由于利率会上调,即使现在预批,利率也不能做到原来说的这么低了。这是真的吗?还是贷款经理趁机不给我好的利率自己多挣佣金呀?
回复: 房贷的最新动态,关注
回复: 房贷的最新动态,其实2周前有几家银行已经收紧了, 幅度没现在这么大而已. 因为本来预计P要加, 后来不动了, 银行就开始收紧P-的幅度
新移民20%首付, 浮动利率P-0.7%, 无收入本地居民25%首付 Edmund Yao, Mortgage Agent, LIC# M10002580Tel: 647.505.6818 Fax: 905.554.4735www.centum.ca/jun_yao回复: 房贷的最新动态,
----------------------------生命在于折腾!其实2周前有几家银行已经收紧了, 幅度没现在这么大而已. 因为本来预计P要加, 后来不动了, 银行就开始收紧P-的幅度点击展开...那么如果过两月P加了的话,银行是否会重新放开P-的幅度呢?
回复: 房贷的最新动态,那么如果过两月P加了的话,银行是否会重新放开P-的幅度呢?点击展开...至少今年P是不太可能加的
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