加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录


以下摘录一些基本上是native speaker的真实英语口语表达文字稿,以及网上评论文字。作为自学备忘录,主要是为了学习其表达的方式、长句组织、口语停顿法,等等。非侧重细节语法或个别单词。这些句子看了也许不难理解。但是我想提醒自己的是,一旦翻译成中文,然后只看中文,我是否能自己表达成原话者那样的表达方式,或者自己的表达方式与原话的差距在哪里。也许这就是我要从此改进的偏向中式味道的英文的契机。也就是我说“我自己想不到的”表达方式。目的是提醒自己不要忘了学习英语。自我标注一些我的感悟点。

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录Well, this is something I found interesting because I thought, I realized at one point that we didn't really have any sort of neurobiological explanation for a what a secret is.

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录You wouldn't even suspect the existence of that stuff because none of that's obvious to you in terms of awareness.否定的一种用法

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录First of all, why are you researching this? What is the fundamental question you're trying to get an answer to?Well, fundamentally, I'm interested in consciousness and how we perceive the world and what reality is out there. And one thing we've found from, say, visual illusions is that, you know, the visual world is not exactly what you think it is.边说边思考中,插入语合理停顿位置。

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录good

写下就是永恒 多伦多,开始新生活。回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录It had huge advantages to others in the mortgage market, the most, the primary one being that investors who bought its debt assumed that it would be bailed out if there were problems because of its government ties, because it had been created, you know, as the government.长句。连续含有同位语、定语从句、条件从句、原因从句的一气呵成的方式。

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录And one of the details about this that I just find so fascinating that I know you've written about since then, are the legal bills that former executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have incurred at taxpayer expense. Tell us about those.定语从句的频繁使用。

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录Well, this is something I found interesting because I thought, I realized at one point that we didn't really have any sort of neurobiological explanation for a what a secret is.点击展开...我头次见到 a what的用法,a 没必要,

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录I have been in my husbands truck with him when people in cars have sped up from behind him and cut us off within inches of the front bumper. He has been cursed at and had people flip him off because he was in the slow lane and unable to gain speed on hills due to trucks now being governed at 105 km. People seriously don't understand just how hard it is to maneuver those trucks and just how much skill it requires to avoid the careless "car drivers" who think a truck that size with a 53 ft trailer can stop magically on a dime. Or Turn a corner like a little pick up truck. People in cars follow too closely and get right in the blind spot of a trucker which by the way is much broader than your average car blind spot. They will speed past , cut in front and then slow down and expect a truck to be able to back off instantly. Try that with 60,000 pounds of freight pushing you. It is easy to blame to the truckers because of course their vehicle will do much more damage but how about taking the time to understand that most truck drivers are proffessionally trained and are required to constantly take road tests to be recertified. How many times is a car driver required to go in and redo a road test once that Lic is handed to them? NEVER unless you let it expire or are suspended. Truckers must recertify even when their lic is in good standing. They also are required to safety check every time they get in to drive. How many of you do that? Personally I worry about my husband having to deal with clueless "car drivers" with little or no regard for his safety or their own

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录看都看不懂,别说听了 .

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录But yes, it was - life was extremely brutal, and it was extremely brutal on both sides. And in my book I don't - I try not to take sides. The whites were perpetrators of some of the most astonishing massacres in history, but so were the Indians.

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录其实口语中使用的词汇都是非常简单的,只是很多时候我们不知道可以这么用。

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录xuexi

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录thanks a lot learning........

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录谢谢,非常好的帖子,请继续啊~

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录And I think what really caught my interest, other than the obvious fact that babies shouldn't be over-radiated - nor anyone else for that matter - but that it had been going on for some time. And that told me that there was not proper oversight within the hospital and, you know, not proper oversight by the state government, which was tasked with making sure that radiation is safe.

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录And many of these homeless people have other problems, such as alcoholism, mental illness. And so they may not very well-equipped to actually graduate from a college and get a job so that they end up just in a worse financial plight because they can't afford to repay the loans.

And these are failing communities, and we as a nation have failed to do anything about the social dysfunction in our midst, and then turn around and say the whole fault - the blame lies with teachers. Let's fire teachers. There's something wrong there, and that doesn't make any sense, that the teachers are much the victims as the children are.

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录对身处海外英语环境的人来说,学好英语的确占好大的优势。

回复: 我自己想不到的英语表达方式 - 学习备忘录If I understand correctly, the purpose of this test was to see if the electronic pulse that would be created by these blasts could damage the arming devices on Soviet ICBM warheads, which would be trying to make their way to the U.S. In other words, this was an experiment in trying to undo Soviet nuclear missile systems.

  ·生活百科 从PI记录的选择性数据
·生活百科 将太阳能电池板连接到家庭发电站



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