加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫



回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制可以移民利比亚了,可以一夫多妻,又是“民主”国家,在西方的“帮助”下,“前景”无限好

原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制上面2位明显羡慕利比亚新婚姻法,确拐弯抹角地说话,不痛块.

There are two things you can do with your head down - play golf and pray.可以移民利比亚了,可以一夫多妻,又是“民主”国家,在西方的“帮助”下,“前景”无限好点击展开...利比亚这个“民主”使用欧盟的战斗机和炸弹“争取”来的! 打死一只山中虎,如今“民主”猴子称大王了, 讨厌一个“卡扎菲”,如今丫被铲除了,要是让伊斯兰极端主义复辟的话…… 无数个拉登会站起来的!

从不到6%的样本中,居然得出100%的结论!能得出如此“驴唇不对马嘴”结果的神奇人物是谁?回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制天朝记者根据党的宣传需要断章取义发了篇“新闻”,一群人开始讨论。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制话又说回来了,恢复一夫多妻制挺好的,一举解决了二奶,小三,小四,小五的问题,连红灯区也会直线减少估计

卡屯集结号(137990988)Calgary Badminton Group (168454634)天朝记者根据党的宣传需要断章取义发了篇“新闻”,一群人开始讨论。点击展开...纽约时报啥时候也开始投奔党了?TRIPOLI, Libya ― It was just a passing reference to marriage in a leader’s soberly delivered speech, but all week it has unsettled women here as well as allies abroad. Related Times Topics: Polygamy | Libya ― Revolution and Aftermath (2011) Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. In announcing the success of the Libyan revolution and calling for a new, more pious nation, the head of the interim government, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, also seemed to clear the way for unrestricted polygamy in a Muslim country where it has been limited and rare for decades. It looked like a sizable step backward for women at a moment when much here ― institutions, laws, social relations ― is still in play after the end of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s 42 years of authoritarian rule. In his speech, Mr. Abdel-Jalil declared that a Qaddafi-era law that placed restrictions on multiple marriages, which is a tenet of Islamic law, or Shariah, would be done away with. The law, which stated that a first wife had to give permission before others were added, for instance, had kept polygamy rare here. “This law is contrary to Shariah and must be stopped,” Mr. Abdel-Jalil told the crowd, vowing that the new government would adhere more faithfully to Shariah. The next day he reiterated the point to reporters at a news conference: “Shariah allows polygamy,” he said. Mr. Abdel-Jalil is known for his piety. He also remarked cryptically, “We will not abolish any law.” Still, some women here saw the collective remarks of the chairman of the Transitional National Council as a menacing sign that the new Libya would mean new repression. Human-rights lawyers also viewed the comments as a clearly aimed swipe at the Qaddafi law on marriage, as did a scholar of Islamic law at the University of Tripoli. Libya experts abroad saw the leader’s foray as a political effort aimed at placating newly influential Islamists. “He and the other leaders are not quite certain which way this is going to turn,” said Dirk J. Vandewalle, an associate professor of government at Dartmouth College. “They are hedging their bets. The worrisome thing is he mentioned these things, which take him outside the mainstream.” Abroad, the reaction was one of dismay among allies whose military firepower ensured Colonel Qaddafi’s fall. The French foreign minister, Alain Juppé, said: “This is a problem for us, especially in regard to respect for the dignity of women.” He later was forced to defend the government’s championing of Libya’s rebels against critics in the National Assembly. And among young women at the university in Tripoli, the sentiment was overwhelmingly negative, even for those more tightly wrapped in head scarves than the others, who agreed with Mr. Abdel-Jalil that Shariah should be the basis for the country’s as-yet unwritten new constitution. Women here played an important role in the uprising, yet signs of their traditional status ― they stand separately from men at rallies, and an overwhelming majority wear head scarves ― persist after the revolution. “To follow Islamic rules is a good thing. To have many wives is not a good thing,” said a 24-year-old biology student, Awatif Alhjagi. “I’m worried. People that did not have that right before may now get four wives,” she said. “Because he talked about it, they probably will do it now.” There was disquiet that Mr. Abdel-Jalil had zeroed in on the marriage issue in a relatively brief speech. Unprompted, the young women circulating in a university courtyard angrily brought up his comments. “All the girls are mad that he said that,” said Bushra ben Omran, a 20-year-old English student. “I don’t want to marry somebody who is already married.” “He should not have said this in his speech,” Ms. Omran added. “He didn’t focus on all the injured people” from the revolution, she said. “I didn’t expect this.” Rehab Zehany, 20, who said Mr. Abdel-Jalil was merely following the dictates of the Koran, added, when asked if she would accept her husband taking a second wife: “Of course not! I would kill him!” Unlike in its African Muslim neighbors to the south, where multiple-wife family compounds are frequently seen, polygamy has hardly been part of the essential fabric of daily life here. Under Colonel Qaddafi, there was a notion that polygamous marriages were the exception, said Azza Kamel Maghur, a lawyer here. Apart from the wife’s consent ― delivered in front of a judge ― a man had to give reasons for taking another wife.

回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制很好。请哈巴狗政府参照执行

内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制又得移民。。嗨。。。早解放的话,我直接去利比亚了。。

世事短如春梦,人情薄似秋云。不须计较苦劳心,万事原来有命。 幸遇三杯酒好,况逢一朵花新。片时欢笑且相亲,明日阴晴未定。回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制什么屎盆都直接往民主头上盖那么讨厌民主, 赶紧投奔王八朝, 哦不, 投奔北朝鲜才是王道.

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制话说回来,其实利比亚这次的革命,和民主没有什么关系,挂羊头卖狗肉而已。只是西方希望趁乱找代言人另,同样是石油国家,利比亚的汽油价格只有加拿大的百分之一

内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制没选票、没土地、没政治权利的一群人,聚在一起高谈民主的坏处,我仿佛看到一群太监在说性生活多伤身体,幸亏咱们阉了。 ---王朔

回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制什么屎盆都直接往民主头上盖那么讨厌民主, 赶紧投奔王八朝, 哦不, 投奔北朝鲜才是王道.点击展开...这咋能叫屎盆子呢?人家不是说了吗?这是利比亚人民的宗教自由选择,不要恶毒攻击利比亚人民的民主事业哦。

回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制没选票、没土地、没政治权利的一群人,聚在一起高谈民主的坏处,我仿佛看到一群太监在说性生活多伤身体,幸亏咱们阉了。 ---王朔点击展开...恩,太监的确不能享受一夫多妻的好处哈,因此才说这是扣向民主头上的屎盆子?楼上的话影射的味道很浓啊。

回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制一帮习惯了被剥夺和占有的奴隶,奴才们为大洋彼岸的公民操心,他们吃得上饭么? 孩子咋办? 政府怎么这么操蛋。。。。。呵呵,千年的奴性,刻到基因里去了

回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制在一个潮湿的地下室里.一个双眉紧锁的青年,手里拿着干涩的面包,聚精会神地看着桌子上世界地图,他深深地陷入了沉思:国家下一步的发展策略是什么?国际 形式会怎样发展?怎样处理好国际关系?如何对美军、台湾全面作战,一个个难题他需要思索,需要抉择。正在这时,外面响起了剧烈的砸门声,一个声音高叫着: “都他妈把门打开,不然踹门了,把身份证暂住证都准备好。”他含泪默不出声…..一会儿外面的人走远了,强大的信念再次站了起来,他迅速调整好了情绪,满 怀激情地进入了下一番思考

回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制在一个潮湿的地下室里.一个双眉紧锁的青年,手里拿着干涩的面包,聚精会神地看着桌子上世界地图,他深深地陷入了沉思:国家下一步的发展策略是什么?国际 形式会怎样发展?怎样处理好国际关系?如何对美军、台湾全面作战,一个个难题他需要思索,需要抉择。正在这时,外面响起了剧烈的砸门声,一个声音高叫着: “都他妈把门打开,不然踹门了,把身份证暂住证都准备好。”他含泪默不出声…..一会儿外面的人走远了,强大的信念再次站了起来,他迅速调整好了情绪,满 怀激情地进入了下一番思考点击展开...经典

回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制经典点击展开...最经典的应该是这个: 一群太监在说性生活多伤身体,一夫多妻是向民主头上泼脏水,幸亏咱们阉了。 王朔同学的话到了利比亚这事上,经典到了家了。

回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制最经典的应该是这个: 一群太监在说性生活多伤身体,一夫多妻是向民主头上泼脏水,幸亏咱们阉了。 王朔同学的话到了利比亚这事上,经典到了家了。点击展开...长缨同学是论坛里有名的才子,年少,多金,事业有成。难得的是对皇室秘闻也见解不凡。确实有在这里舌战群小的资本

内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 伟大的利比亚民主成果---利比亚官方拟恢复一夫多妻制嗯,以真主的名义,还是以民主的名义?

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