加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息超搞笑视频 Russell Peters: Be A Man
[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=-qtrAMK7_Qk[/ame] Russell Dominic Peters (born September 29, 1970) is an Indo-Canadian comedian, actor and disc jockey. He began performing in Toronto in 1989 and has been nominated for four Gemini Awards. 内容是怎样与中国人讨价还价。哈哈,太搞了。 他的栋笃笑据说很受欢迎。FLV文件才5.24M,看不到no video的同学可以留邮箱。
回复: 超搞笑视频 Russell Peters: Be A Man不错!不过他 模仿的是广东人/香港人。
回复: 超搞笑视频 Russell Peters: Be A Man不错!不过他 模仿的是广东人/香港人。点击展开...哈哈,可能他以前碰到的广东人/香港人比较多吧。他后来的stand up comedy有提到Cantonese和Mandarin的区别。
回复: 超搞笑视频 Russell Peters: Be A Man这个也挺有趣的 --- Russell Peters talks about beating children and why。 "Russell Peters' dad's theory was 'if i kill one i can make another one, and tell the new one what an idiot the last one was!'"
回复: 超搞笑视频 Russell Peters: Be A Man太搞笑了!Be a man!
赏 这个也挺有趣的 --- Russell Peters talks about beating children and why。 "Russell Peters' dad's theory was 'if i kill one i can make another one, and tell the new one what an idiot the last one was!'"点击展开...[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=Nn5jlrxcpkI[/ame] 这个也看了。也是超搞笑. Immigrant parents will beat their kids. White people please beat your kids. 这样white kids 才不会被left out...... Russell 老爸的经典警告语: Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad. Russell 威胁说要phone children's aid.Russell 老爸说: I might get into a little bit of trouble. But I know that it's going to take them 23 minutes to get here. In that time, somebody gonna get a hurt real bad.
回复: 超搞笑视频 Russell Peters: Be A Manhttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=Nn5jlrxcpkI 这个也看了。也是超搞笑. Immigrant parents will beat their kids. White people please beat your kids. 这样white kids 才不会被left out...... Russell 老爸的经典警告语: Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad. Russell 威胁说要phone children's aid.Russell 老爸说: I might get into a little bit of trouble. But I know that it's going to take them 23 minutes to get here. In that time, somebody gonna get a hurt real bad.点击展开...他想象力真丰富!
回复: 超搞笑视频 Russell Peters: Be A Man他这两年开始在好莱坞电影里露面了,还出了本书。
回复: 超搞笑视频 Russell Peters: Be A Man广东话那段英文,绝呀,哈哈
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