先申明,所谓补充教材就是非我原创,本贴英文部分乃转载,中文部分为本人翻译,水平有限,不要提什么信,达,雅了,不过应该比软件翻译的好明白点。翻译的目的是避免不喜英文的同志错过,如果你们连我的翻译也讨厌我没话说了,我都花了一个多小时来翻译了。这50个诀窍不是个个都适用,但是真有不少是我们平时不知道,或者忽视的,基本上没有虐待自己的倾向。有的省钱方法太苛刻自己了,我是不提倡的,我追求的是不改变生活质量的省钱方法。各位慢慢看,不要对我翻译的水平进行评价,这样会严重伤害我的小心灵,打击我为人民服务的热情的原创系列连接如下 第一讲: 机票选购秘技http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=205303第二讲:coupon, coupon, 我爱你http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=237660第三讲:你有几张积分卡?http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=242117第四讲: 三大省钱术语+coupon videohttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=256116第五讲: 今天你rebate了没有http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=338735省钱夏日集训营http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=371596国庆小礼物省钱另一高招:freecycle grouphttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=263819本补充教材如下Fifty ways to save on groceries 50[FONT=宋体]个省钱的妙招[/FONT]TIPS FROM THE EXPERTS [FONT=宋体]专家意见[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]1. Shop with a grocery list. Buy only what is on your list. [FONT=宋体]购物时请带上购物清单,只买清单上有的物品。[/FONT]2. Plan quick meals of sandwiches or food you make in advance, for nights when family members will be busy with meetings, sports or school activities. [FONT=宋体]计划可速食的或是事先准备好的饭菜以应付家庭成员忙于夜间活动的情况。[/FONT]3. Use the weekly grocery ads and flyers as you plan. Focus menus on seasonal foods and vegetables, and what's on sale. [FONT=宋体]利用每周的超市广告来进行菜肴的计划,菜单重点放在促销的当季食品和蔬菜上。[/FONT]4. Have variety in the plan, so you don't get tired of the same old thing and be tempted to go out to eat. [FONT=宋体]安排富于变化的菜单,用来避免因为厌倦重复的食物以至于外出就餐。[/FONT]5. Buy things that can be used multiple ways. Try cooking a turkey as a healthful, inexpensive protein. You can use it in your favourite chicken dishes and put some in the freezer for future meals. A beef roast can be turned into pot roast, shish kebabs, shredded barbecue and sloppy joes. [FONT=宋体]买的食物可以用多种方式烹调,尝试把火鸡做的健康又不过于营养,可以做你喜欢的鸡肉菜肴,也可以冰冻起来用做将来的饭菜。烤牛肉也可以弄成牛肉串,美式牛肉等[/FONT]6. Use coupons. Consumer Reports says Americans used 278 billion coupons last year and saved an estimated $30 billion with manufacturers' coupons. In Canada, the national Coupon Industry Association reports consumers redeemed 100 million coupons to save $134 million on groceries and personal care products. [FONT=宋体]使用折价券。消费者报告显示美国人去年用了[/FONT]2.78[FONT=宋体]兆张的([/FONT]278x10[FONT=宋体]亿)折价券,大约节约了[/FONT]3000[FONT=宋体]亿,在加拿大,国家折价券行业协会报告,消费者用了[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]亿张折价券,在食品和个人护理产品上节约了[/FONT]1.34[FONT=宋体]亿。[/FONT]7. Keep on hand the ingredients for a fast meal for nights when there's nothing else to eat. A backup meal in your pantry or freezer can keep you from busting the food budget with delivered pizza or fast food. [FONT=宋体]手上要备有做晚上吃的快餐的材料[FONT=宋体]如果晚上恰好没啥可吃的,[/FONT]冰箱里有备着的饭菜可以帮你减少叫外卖的预算。[/FONT]8. Track contents of your pantry and freezer so you don't buy what you already have. [FONT=宋体]关注你冰箱里的物品这样你就不会重复购买[/FONT]9. Keep a running grocery list. Any time something is used up or is almost gone, add it to the list. [FONT=宋体]保持一个灵活的购物清单,一旦某物品用完了或者快用完了就马上添加到你的购物单里。[/FONT]SUPERMARKET STRATEGIES [FONT=宋体]超市策略[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]10. Never grocery shop when you're hungry. This is the Number 1 rule for controlling impulse purchases. [FONT=宋体]不要在你饥饿的时候买东西,这是控制乱买东西的第一守则。[/FONT]11. Shop alone if you can. If you have to take children, let them prepare their own list of products they can actually pick up and put in the basket. Let them select a special fruit or vegetable that they really like. [FONT=宋体]尽量一个人购物。如果你不得不带上孩子,让他们准备好自己的购物清单,他们可自己拿到商品并放在购物篮里,让他们选择非常喜欢的一种水果或蔬菜。[/FONT]12. If possible, grocery shop at a quiet time so you can compare prices. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are best. [FONT=宋体]如果可能,在一个比较安静的时候去购物,这样你可以比较价格,周[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]是最好的时候。[/FONT]13. Though you have a list, be flexible enough to take advantage of in-store specials you might find. [FONT=宋体]尽管你有一个清单,你也要足够灵活的去利用你可以找到的店内特价商品。[/FONT]14. Ask for rain checks if a sale product is out of stock. [FONT=宋体]对于卖完的特价商品要求做[/FONT]rain check[FONT=宋体](参见我第[/FONT]4[FONT=宋体]讲对[/FONT]rain check[FONT=宋体]的解释)[/FONT]15. Avoid processed food whenever possible. It costs more. [FONT=宋体]尽可能的避开已经完全加工好的食品,他们的价格更高。[/FONT]16. Stock up on basics when they are on sale. [FONT=宋体]储存特价销售的必需品[/FONT]17. Pay attention to unit pricing, the fine print on the little tags on the grocery shelves. It's an easy way to see how brands compare. [FONT=宋体]注意单价,货架上打印的价格标签,很容易进行价格对比。[/FONT]18. With meat, figure cost per serving instead of cost per pound. A pound of ground or boneless meat will make more servings than a pound with a lot of bone or fat. [FONT=宋体]对于肉来说,用能供食用的量取代每镑的价格来计算成本。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]一磅[/FONT][FONT=宋体]肉馅或者是无骨牛肉比有很多骨头或者肥肉的牛肉可以供更多人食用。[/FONT]SECRETS OF THE SUPERMARKET [FONT=宋体]超市的战略[/FONT]19. Know the secrets of the supermarket. They are scientifically designed to sell you groceries and not necessarily the ones you have on your list. [FONT=宋体]了解超市的战略,他们有时候是专门用来销售给你那些你并不需要的东西。[/FONT]20. Beware the forced march through the aisles. Milk and meat are at the back of the store so shoppers must walk through the store to get to them. [FONT=宋体]意识到通过走道设计来实现的推销术,牛奶和肉总在超市靠后的地方,于是消费者就必须走过长长的货架(其他商品)去到那里。[/FONT]21. Don't be tempted by the "end caps," the stacks at the ends of each aisle. They do not always indicate a sale. The same product by another manufacturer may be in the centre of the aisle at a better price. [FONT=宋体]不要太注意走廊的顶端堆着的商品,他们不一定就是特价的,另一个生产商的同类商品也许正以一个更好的价格被放置在货价走道的中间位置。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]22. Look beyond eye level on the shelves. Manufacturers pay for this prime space. Look high and low for comparable items. [FONT=宋体]抬头看超过视线的架子。生产商为此位置可是付了不少钱的,所以抬头低头看来比较商品。[/FONT]23. Consider store brands. "Supermarket Guru" Phil Lempert reported overwhelmingly positive results in a recent tasting of store brands with consumers. Store brands cost less because less money is spent on advertising and packaging. Savings can approach 50 per cent. [FONT=宋体]考虑超市自有品牌。有相关的报道指出顾客给某个新出的超市品牌极高的好评。超市自有品牌的成本更低,因为广告和包装的投入少,可以节约达[/FONT]50%24. Fight check-out temptation. Consumer Reports and other sources note that the candy-and-gum-and-magazine laden area at the cash register is one of the most profitable areas of the store. Packages a few steps away are much more economical. [FONT=宋体]不要被收银台附近的商品给勾引了(我的用词。。。)消费者报告和其他一些消息来源指出在那附近的糖果,口香糖,杂志是商店利润最高的产品之一。走多几步路的产品要便宜不少。[/FONT]25. Buy day-old bread and keep it in the freezer for toast. [FONT=宋体]买不是很新鲜的面包放在冰箱里烤来吃(这个比较狠)[/FONT]26. Choose plain frozen vegetables. Frozen vegetables in special sauces are much more costly than plain frozen or canned vegetables. [FONT=宋体]买些不带调味料的冰冻蔬菜,带特别酱料的冰冻蔬菜要比不带的或者罐装的贵很多。[/FONT]27. When grilling outdoors, cook an extra entrée to heat later in the week. Undercook the second meal just slightly so it will be perfect when reheated. [FONT=宋体]在室外烧烤时,做多一份,可以留着晚些日子热来吃。不要烤的太熟这样回头热的时候更好吃。[/FONT]28. Switch to water or tea. Soft drinks are expensive as well as calorific and new studies show that even diet pop is bad for your heart. [FONT=宋体]改喝水和茶,软饮料又贵又有卡路里,新研究证明即使是[/FONT]diet[FONT=宋体]的可乐一样对健康不好。[/FONT]29. Try store-brand soft drinks, if you must have soft drinks. [FONT=宋体]尝试超市自有品牌的软饮料,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]如果你非喝不可。[/FONT]30. Bring soft drinks from home, if you tend to buy drinks from the machine at work. [FONT=宋体]从家里带软饮料,如果你打算在公司附近的饮料机买的话。[/FONT]31. Pack a lunch to take to work. Use up leftovers or "planned overs." [FONT=宋体]准备午餐带去公司,用光剩饭剩菜!(这个我喜欢[/FONT]~~~[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]THINKING OUTSIDE THE BIG BOX [FONT=宋体]跳出来思考[/FONT]32. Drink tap water instead of bottled water. It's a radical idea, but a growing movement. The energy required to produce, transport and dispose of billions of plastic bottles is part of the problem. And some, like Aquafina and Dasani, are simply tap water that has been specially filtered. If you don't like the taste of your local water, buy a filter or filtering pitcher. [FONT=宋体]喝一开笼头就能喝的水来取代瓶装水,这个也许有点过分,不过是一个趋势。生产,运输,处理[/FONT]N[FONT=宋体]多的塑料瓶子所需要的能量是一个问题。象[/FONT]Aquafina and Dasani[FONT=宋体]就是灌装的净化水。如果你不想直接饮用,可买个过滤器或过滤水壶。[/FONT] 33. Learn how to clean a fish. Go fishing, buy fresh fish, or be ready when a fishing friend offers to share. [FONT=宋体]学着处理鱼。 钓鱼,买鲜鱼,或者和钓鱼的朋友[/FONT][FONT=宋体]分享鱼。[/FONT]34. Make coffee at home. Chill leftover coffee to use in iced coffee or lattes. [FONT=宋体]在家做咖啡,冰冻剩咖啡用来做冰咖啡或者拿铁[/FONT]35. Cut up your own produce and meat. Bonus: it's safer to eat, too. Many cases of food-borne illness linked to fresh produce are traced to processing. [FONT=宋体]自己做肉吃,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]好处是:食用安全,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]很多食物携带的疾病都可以追溯到生鲜的制作过程[/FONT]36. Grate your own cheese, carrots, cabbage, and so on. [FONT=宋体]自己磨碎奶酪,胡萝卜,卷心菜等[/FONT]37. Buy the bigger package of snacks and repackage them into smaller bags yourself. [FONT=宋体]买大包装的零食,自己分装成小包装。[/FONT]38. Find a shopping buddy, particularly if you're single or live in a small household. You can share big items or the price of gas to the supermarket, or the cost of a warehouse membership, where you can split large packages. [FONT=宋体]找个购物物伙伴尤其是你是单身或是一个小家庭。你们可以分担大包装的东西,去超市的汽油费,或者是大卖场的会员费。[/FONT]39. Plan to buy nothing but groceries at the supermarket. Toiletries can cost 20 to 40 per cent less at discount stores. [FONT=宋体]在超市就尽量买吃的,一些卫生用品在折扣店能便宜[/FONT]20-40%40. Shop at a farmers' market. The produce is so fresh it might last for weeks. [FONT=宋体]在农贸市场买东西,产品更新鲜放的更久[/FONT] 41[FONT=宋体]原文就没有!![/FONT]42. Switch a flower bed to a small vegetable garden. [FONT=宋体]把花房改成成小蔬菜院[/FONT]43. Join a food co-op. Members can often order organic food online and split the cases, as well as the work to sort it into individual orders. [FONT=宋体]参加食品团购,会员可以在线购买有机食品然后按个人的定单分开。[/FONT]44. Seek help if you need it. In Toronto, FoodShare (foodshare.net) sells a Good Food Box filled with fresh, affordable fruit and vegetables. The non-profit group packs 3,500 boxes a month and distributes them (weekly to monthly) via 150 drop-off spots around the city (including day cares, co-ops, social housing, churches, community centres and front porches). [FONT=宋体]如果你需要就寻求帮助,在[/FONT]Toronto[FONT=宋体],[/FONT] Foodshare[FONT=宋体]卖成箱的新鲜水果蔬菜,价格也错。非赢利机构每月打包[/FONT]3500[FONT=宋体]个并通过[/FONT]150[FONT=宋体]个点分发到整个城市。。。[/FONT]45. Use one weekend to make and freeze enough food for a month of meals. Or make your own mixes for all kinds of dishes. [FONT=宋体]用一个周末来准备冰冻足够一个月的用的食物,或者做你个人需要的各种菜肴。[/FONT]46. Buy a side of naturally raised, hormone-free beef (or pork) and freeze it. [FONT=宋体]买一块天然放养的无荷尔蒙牛肉或者猪肉并冷冻。[/FONT]47. Try stocking up on milk when it's cheap and freezing it. The website dairyland.ca says milk may be frozen for up to three months provided the sealed container is frozen before the best-before date. Skim and 2 per cent milk freeze better than homogenized milk. Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator. The milk will still have the same nutrients, but it may separate. If it does, shake well or beat with a mixer. [FONT=宋体]在特价的时候买多点牛奶并冰冻。[/FONT]Dairland.ca[FONT=宋体]说牛奶可以冷冻[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]个月在密封的容器中不影响食用。脱脂和[/FONT]2%fat[FONT=宋体]的比一般的牛奶更好冷冻。在冷藏部解冻牛奶,牛奶的营养不变,但会分离,如果这样,摇匀就可以了。[/FONT]48. Make your own whole-grain cereal with cholesterol-lowering oats. [FONT=宋体]自己用低胆固醇的燕麦做全麦麦片[/FONT]49. On the weekend, make a double batch of a favourite recipe. Freeze or store half for another meal. [FONT=宋体]周末做双份食物,冰冻一半作为另一餐[/FONT]50. Eat more beans. Beans of all kinds are nutritional powerhouses. [FONT=宋体]食用更多豆类,各种豆类是养分供应站。[/FONT]
小隐藏于山,大隐藏于室,无影藏于网路。。。 赏
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http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=247905买电脑???http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=24984426句话让你豁然开朗!!!http://club.autohome.com.cn/bbs/thre...?type=favorite真实的朝鲜:!回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍收到,谢谢。
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍省钱妙招还真多,学习一下
2008年7月10日登陆2014年9月17,宣誓成为加拿大公民回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍加一句:51. Shop at Chinese supermarkets, you'll be surprised when you find out how much money you can save.
回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍好铁
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍
回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍2/3以上就是我在加拿大时候实施过的策略...我怎么就没想到总结一下...发份稿子到51CA上去赚50CAD呢?
回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍在加拿大你就是缝上嘴,把饭戒了,也省不下几个钱,因为这里吃的相对便宜.发达国家都这样,恩格尔系数低.就是食品在各项生活支出的比例小.吃了喝了,长有一付好下水最好.
夜晚千条路,白天卖豆腐回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍经验!LZ辛苦了,鲜花送上。
管工回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍学习!
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind......回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍鲜花送上!
回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍辛苦了,收集这么多资料让大家分享!
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回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍补充一点,吃晚饭前喝一公斤水,一个月下来能省很多银子。
坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍小鹌鹑 真厉害 , 应该出专辑了
回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍佩服!
回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍楼主辛苦了。
回复: 小鹌鹑公开系列课之补充教材一――50种关于吃的的省钱诀窍第二十五个是??点击展开...25. Buy day-old bread and keep it in the freezer for toast. [FONT=宋体]买不是很新鲜的面包放在冰箱里烤来吃(这个比较狠)[/FONT]
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