加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,
回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!以前的 “赢家移民” 或者“辉煌移民“ ,名字换好多回了。多伦多的第一大英文报纸<<toronto star>>都报过他们怎么涉嫌骗人作假的。
回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!http://www.thestar.com/News/article/226212'You can get $550 a month . . . 'Published On Sun Jun 17 2007AGENT: Jackie Wang, a consultant with Winners Immigration Consulting Inc., Toronto, which advertises its association with a CSIC member.STAR PROFILE: Male, 32. High-school dropout. Factory worker from Guangzhou, China.ADVICE: File a refugee claim, and take advantage of special "one-on-one" counselling and associated lawyers with expertise in handling asylum claims. In responding to a question, said marriages of convenience are possible but costly.STORY: On the phone, a Star reporter poses as a relative of a person who wants to stay in Canada. He doesn't mention any hardship back home.Mike Niu offers two options: apply for a work permit or file a refugee claim. He says the company charges $1,500 for refugee claims, which includes help on applying for government assistance. He suggests a personal consultation.A month later, the Star reporter, now posing as the relative, visits the bright, spacious Winners office, housed in a modern building near the Art Gallery of Ontario. A half-dozen female staff tend to phone calls, documents and an Eastern European woman who wants to sponsor her husband."Sorry to have to call you this late," one worker says in Mandarin on the phone to China. "This is about your son's student visa."The Star reporter is told Niu can't make it. Jackie Wang will handle his consultation.After hearing his visitor's visa is due to expire in a month, Wang immediately suggests a refugee claim, even though the reporter hasn't mentioned any persecution or hardship in China. Success is nearly guaranteed, she says; only two refugee claims filed by her office have ever failed, and "not because of us."She highlights the company's one-on-one service. "Our counselling is different from others," she says. "In other companies, they have classes of 20 people in their counselling. Although it saves time and resources, .. it doesn't focus on individual needs."We only offer one-on-one counselling. If you follow our steps, you'll have no problem."Star: "But I'm not a real refugee. Is that a problem?"Wang: "No problem."Star: "It shouldn't be a problem if I couldn't find a reason (for a claim)?"Wang: "Our company will help you with that. From the beginning to the end, all you need is to listen to us and follow our instructions."When asked if someone would be punished for lying in a refugee claim, Wang says, "That won't happen. If Canada was like that, no one would stay."She says the company will charge $1,500 for a refugee claim. If the status is granted, permanent residency will cost another $1,500.Wang mentions the "refugee money" ? monthly social assistance available to refugee claimants who have not landed work ? and other benefits."You can get $550 a month, then you can go to school and study English," she says with some delight.On a second visit, the reporter tells Wang he has shopped around and heard marriage was a good option."I think you should first file a refugee claim," says Wang. "If we succeed, we don't have to think about marriage. But if it fails, you still have time to arrange a marriage because you would have been here for more than a year."Then she says: "To set up a fake marriage, you have to pay money. If it's a fake marriage, you have to pay. From what I know, it now costs $35,000 to $40,000 U.S. in Canada. That's a lot of money."EPILOGUE: Wang seemed stunned when the Star called back to ask about the advice she gave. She said she had to consult her boss, Niu, before speaking. During a follow-up visit, reporters were told Niu and Wang were not available. Messages were left. There was no response.The Star did reach Jun Cheng, a company director and a CSIC member."If you don't have a reason to be a refugee, she shouldn't have told you to file a refugee claim," said Cheng. "She should assess further to see if you would have qualified for other immigration classes."Neither Niu nor Wang are registered consultants and they should not have given immigration advice to clients, Cheng added."I need to investigate further. If that's true that they told you to file a refugee claim when there isn't a reason, that's wrong."Cheng then asked the reporter to fax his contact information and questions to a number not associated with the company. He said he'd contact the Star later, but never did.
回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!天下集团-----天朝的特产
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!名字很强大
五毛说中国腐败,那美国也有腐败啊!其实我觉得,一锅饭里面有一粒老鼠屎,跟一堆老鼠屎里面有一粒饭那是不一样的!前者勉强叫饭,后者只能叫屎。而且老外要是饭里吃出屎准急了;可是中国五毛们明知是屎还硬要挑出一粒饭来,边吃边告诉天下人,我们中国人吃的是饭啊….http://www.thestar.com/News/article/226212 'You can get $550 a month . . . ' Published On Sun Jun 17 2007 AGENT: Jackie Wang, a consultant with Winners Immigration Consulting Inc., Toronto, which advertises its association with a CSIC member. STAR PROFILE: Male, 32. High-school dropout. Factory worker from Guangzhou, China. ADVICE: File a refugee claim, and take advantage of special "one-on-one" counselling and associated lawyers with expertise in handling asylum claims. In responding to a question, said marriages of convenience are possible but costly. STORY: On the phone, a Star reporter poses as a relative of a person who wants to stay in Canada. He doesn't mention any hardship back home. Mike Niu offers two options: apply for a work permit or file a refugee claim. He says the company charges $1,500 for refugee claims, which includes help on applying for government assistance. He suggests a personal consultation. A month later, the Star reporter, now posing as the relative, visits the bright, spacious Winners office, housed in a modern building near the Art Gallery of Ontario. A half-dozen female staff tend to phone calls, documents and an Eastern European woman who wants to sponsor her husband. "Sorry to have to call you this late," one worker says in Mandarin on the phone to China. "This is about your son's student visa." The Star reporter is told Niu can't make it. Jackie Wang will handle his consultation. After hearing his visitor's visa is due to expire in a month, Wang immediately suggests a refugee claim, even though the reporter hasn't mentioned any persecution or hardship in China. Success is nearly guaranteed, she says; only two refugee claims filed by her office have ever failed, and "not because of us." She highlights the company's one-on-one service. "Our counselling is different from others," she says. "In other companies, they have classes of 20 people in their counselling. Although it saves time and resources, .. it doesn't focus on individual needs. "We only offer one-on-one counselling. If you follow our steps, you'll have no problem." Star: "But I'm not a real refugee. Is that a problem?" Wang: "No problem." Star: "It shouldn't be a problem if I couldn't find a reason (for a claim)?" Wang: "Our company will help you with that. From the beginning to the end, all you need is to listen to us and follow our instructions." When asked if someone would be punished for lying in a refugee claim, Wang says, "That won't happen. If Canada was like that, no one would stay." She says the company will charge $1,500 for a refugee claim. If the status is granted, permanent residency will cost another $1,500. Wang mentions the "refugee money" ? monthly social assistance available to refugee claimants who have not landed work ? and other benefits. "You can get $550 a month, then you can go to school and study English," she says with some delight. On a second visit, the reporter tells Wang he has shopped around and heard marriage was a good option. "I think you should first file a refugee claim," says Wang. "If we succeed, we don't have to think about marriage. But if it fails, you still have time to arrange a marriage because you would have been here for more than a year." Then she says: "To set up a fake marriage, you have to pay money. If it's a fake marriage, you have to pay. From what I know, it now costs $35,000 to $40,000 U.S. in Canada. That's a lot of money." EPILOGUE: Wang seemed stunned when the Star called back to ask about the advice she gave. She said she had to consult her boss, Niu, before speaking. During a follow-up visit, reporters were told Niu and Wang were not available. Messages were left. There was no response. The Star did reach Jun Cheng, a company director and a CSIC member. "If you don't have a reason to be a refugee, she shouldn't have told you to file a refugee claim," said Cheng. "She should assess further to see if you would have qualified for other immigration classes." Neither Niu nor Wang are registered consultants and they should not have given immigration advice to clients, Cheng added. "I need to investigate further. If that's true that they told you to file a refugee claim when there isn't a reason, that's wrong." Cheng then asked the reporter to fax his contact information and questions to a number not associated with the company. He said he'd contact the Star later, but never did.点击展开...谢谢!知道是不良信息,但是还是看不懂,能不能简单翻译一下。
赏 天下集团-----天朝的特产点击展开...什么意思?
回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!名字太震撼了~一看就不怎么靠谱~
安省挂牌地产经纪回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!俺知道多伦多有个天下集团是房地产中介公司, 兼营财务和移民服务等, 老板叫: 麦克.王, 09年刚成立. 公司网站:http://www.canmaxgroup.com/main/new/
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!谢谢!
赏 俺知道多伦多有个天下集团是房地产中介公司, 兼营财务和移民服务等, 老板叫: 麦克.王, 09年刚成立. 公司网站:http://www.canmaxgroup.com/main/new/点击展开...一个“刚”字显真情,一个网址揭真相,向马处长致敬! 这个天下集团我硬硬的和它碰撞过一次,结局是“执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎”。 顺便说一句,我参股的一个企业实体的名称是“远大集团”,大家评评,谁的名字起得棒? PS:珍爱生命,远离股市;赢家天下,翻云覆雨。
Jack Ma:because we don't think of making money, but we make a lot of money.一个“刚”字显真情,一个网址揭真相,向马处长致敬! 这个天下集团我硬硬的和它碰撞过一次,结局是“执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎”。 顺便说一句,我参股的一个企业实体的名称是“远大集团”,大家评评,谁的名字起得棒? PS:珍爱生命,远离股市;赢家天下,翻云覆雨。点击展开...是沈阳远大还是长沙远大?
回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!因为要和加拿大天下签合约,请教各位有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!点击展开...兄弟签了吗?了解的怎么样了?分享一下结果。对大家都有指导作用。
回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!是沈阳远大还是长沙远大?点击展开...Sorry,都不是!拜托别猜了,你猜不到的。。。 为什么呢?因为该远大集团我持股已经达到70%,它的规模就可想而知了,所以你不可能猜到的。 这,再一次说明了一个道理:有些事物有些人,名头越大,越需要对它提高警惕;不需要我再举证了吧,从天朝打拼出来的朋友们,尤其是红星你应该懂的。
Jack Ma:because we don't think of making money, but we make a lot of money.Sorry,都不是!拜托别猜了,你猜不到的。。。 为什么呢?因为该远大集团我持股已经达到70%,它的规模就可想而知了,所以你不可能猜到的。 这,再一次说明了一个道理:有些事物有些人,名头越大,越需要对它提高警惕;不需要我再举证了吧,从天朝打拼出来的朋友们,尤其是红星你应该懂的。点击展开... 哈哈,哥们真是能搞啊
回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!天下集团牛
回复: 急!请教!有没有知道加拿大天下集团的信息,谢谢!还有人信天下?无语
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