加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息皮尔区教育局长Janet McDouglad下令将公立学校名字
Stop HARTSDALE AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL from being renamed Janet McDouglad Public School. Peel District School Board Trustees made the unanimous decision, in a secret meeting, to rename the Mississauga school at 498 Hartsdale Avenue, the Janet McDougald Public School. This decision was made without the consultation of those directly affected by this ? specifically our children.The students at Hartsdale Avenue Public School have lived with chaos and uncertainty for the past 2 years. Once again the school opening has been delayed causing further uncertainty. The only thing the children could count on was the school name ? Hartsdale. They have put considerable thought and effort into a mascot and colours for their new school. Now the ‘heart’ has been taken out of the kids and their Hartsdale Husky.We want our school name to remainHARTSDALE AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL.点击展开...http://www.petitiononlinecanada.com/petition/stop-hartsdale-avenue-public-school-from-being-renamed/607从滑铁卢毕业的Janet McDougald局长,为了庆祝自己盘踞局长位子多年,竟然下令将管辖下的学校名字改成自己的名字?!人无耻则至勇,这位Janet McDougald局长,古今中外罕见矣。
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________回复: 皮尔区教育局长Janet McDouglad下令将公立学校名字改成自己的名字I think she said the trustees voted for her.... but yes, this is quite funny.
林奔尼~帮助您~密市/Oakville-多伦多西区地产经纪手机: (647) 892-9093微信: bennylincanadaQQ: 1247220168回复: 皮尔区教育局长Janet McDouglad下令将公立学校名字改成自己的名字这厮在中国就有戏了
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