加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中国小男孩在芝加哥受袭击
[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=-czLYg2WFSM[/ame]
早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 中国小男孩在芝加哥受袭击全北美华人估计屁都不放一个,华人下一代移民的生存环境堪忧。可怜小男孩英语都说不清,被暴打还只能说汉语,显然是刚来的。你别装的人模狗样,回头看看你们周围,问问你的孩子,是否也受过类似的欺负。别忘了,小孩受欺负估计也不会说。至此新春之际,特向在加的各位18岁以下的华人小朋友问好。
早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 中国小男孩在芝加哥受袭击这个事情其实挺复杂的,7个打人的里面有5个华人,跟种族主义没一点关系后来有个女生自拍了一段video,说是被打得的那个华人曾经在2011年的11月找了20人打两个人。所以那2个人便找了7个人,报复那个被打得男生
早起的虫子被鸟吃警察好像还没有说你说的那些话呢。 Cops believe the attack was racially motivated.点击展开...你漏了一个单词"don't"
89年的3月,一个诗人死去,89年的6月,一群人的灵魂死去;但是每年的某一天,他们都会回来,在世界中心的高地,建一所小屋------面朝大海,春暖花开警察好像还没有说你说的那些话呢。Cops believe the attack was racially motivated.点击展开...华人歧视华人?不是吧~~那些话,我是看女生在自拍的视频上说的
正因成功并非易事,所以梦想才如此闪耀...回复: 中国小男孩在芝加哥受袭击楼主还是多读读报吧......
I feel good bein' on my own......回复: 中国小男孩在芝加哥受袭击前几天在哪看的说打人的里面有一个“他爸是李刚”的,好像是51上吧
此号多人使用!警察好像还没有说你说的那些话呢。Chicago police have charged seven teens, including one girl, in the ruthless gang beating of a 17-year-old boy that was captured in a sickening YouTube video.Only one of the teens was identified. Seventeen-year-old Raymond Palomino ― who appears to be the only one the video not wearing a ski mask ― was charged as an adult with robbery and aggravated battery, according to the Chicago Tribune.Two 16-year-olds and three 15-year-olds, which includes the girl, were charged as juveniles with robbery and aggravated battery. Their names were not released.Windy City police said the beating happened in a snowy alley Sunday at around 4:00 p.m. in the working-class neighborhood of Bridgeport, on the city's South Side.The 17-year-old victim, who is Asian, is a senior at Curie High School, the Tribune said, but hasn't been identified.Mayor Rahm Emanuel described the video and its graphic crime as “not tolerable.”“It does not represent what this city’s values are and the good people of this city,” he said during a press conference, according to NBC 5 in Chicago.The graphic video captured the mob laughing maniacally as they mercilessly pummel and stomp the defenseless boy's head while heckling him with racial slurs."A random little kid. F--- his a-- up," one of the punks sneers, as another pounds the victim in the head with a Nike sneaker swiped from his own backpack.At one point, the ringleader of the mob, dressed in a gray sweatshirt and black ski mask, stands the boy up and threatens to kill him."Am I speaking Chinese to you, n-----?" the ringleader screams.Another boy ― who appears to be Palomino ― demands the victim's backpack.When he refuses, the mob resumes the attack, tearing at his clothes and jacket, punching him in the face and slamming him on the ground.Blood pours from the boy's nose and mouth as he begs to be let go.Finally, after nearly four minutes, the boy manages to break free and runs away.The video ends with his attackers pursuing him down the alley.Cops believe the attack was racially motivated.Along with the shoes, the gang took the teen's wallet and $180 in cash.The teen was treated at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center for a split lip, bruises and cuts and later released, cops said.Palomino was expected to appear in court on Wednesday, while the others were turned over to juvenile authorities.点击展开...
回复: 中国小男孩在芝加哥受袭击我是看到那个警察很难过才决定舍弃那个单词的。你看美国警察啥都没有调查清楚,连打人小孩的身份都不知道就匆匆得出那么个结论。是不是和中国警察差不多,只是,美国警察遇到类似的事件首先想到的不是种族歧视,中国警察想到的是孩子他爸不是李刚。都是一个警官大学毕业的。另外,那句话算警察的论点,不算论据。是论点,就会有不同的意见。正是因为通篇看不出他们的论据支持他们的论点,所以才表达一下我的意见。下次把论点和论据的区别拧清啊。看你的名字,文绉绉的,像出自三希堂的帖子,今后说话别那么口无遮挡啊。有不同观点没问题,伪造论据就很下贱了。Cops don't believe the attack was racially motivated.http://articles.nydailynews.com/2012-01-17/news/30637293_1_teens-snowy-alley-ringleader别告诉说你在全文复制粘贴的时候,不小心漏掉了句子中间的一个词。点击展开...
回复: 中国小男孩在芝加哥受袭击我是看到那个警察很难过才决定舍弃那个单词的。你看美国警察啥都没有调查清楚,连打人小孩的身份都不知道就匆匆得出那么个结论。是不是和中国警察差不多,只是,美国警察遇到类似的事件首先想到的不是种族歧视,中国警察想到的是孩子他爸不是李刚。都是一个警官大学毕业的。另外,那句话算警察的论点,不算论据。是论点,就会有不同的意见。正是因为通篇看不出他们的论据支持他们的论点,所以才表达一下我的意见。下次把论点和论据的区别拧清啊。看你的名字,文绉绉的,像出自三希堂的帖子,今后说话别那么口无遮挡啊。点击展开...身份早就被网友人肉出来了WESLEY WU - grey hoodie, main kid attacking the man.EASLEY WU - big puffy jackey with fur hood, blue striped adidas pants.RAYMOND PALOMINO - white guy with no mask.TODD RAMOS - grey and black hoodie.JOHNNY LI - blue hoodie and blue snap back on.DANNY HUI - dressed in all black.还有一个拍视频的华人女生,一共七个
正因成功并非易事,所以梦想才如此闪耀...回复: 中国小男孩在芝加哥受袭击不知道警察会怎么处理?
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